The Great Awoking and Resetting By James Reed

     Richard Wolstencroft does the Report from Tiger Mountain on the Great Resetting, which I take to be how the New World Order, as seen through the Wuhan flu restrictions, has been pushed upon us in record time. It is about the elimination of liberal freedoms, and making the whole world communist China on steroids and growth hormone. Lockdowns are a symbol of the prison planet to come, or what is already here.

     The Great Awokening is part of this globalist nightmare, leading to the new Dark Age:

“The “Great Awokening”—the Maoist Cultural Revolution we are living through—is impacting academia heavily[The Great Awokening and the Second American Revolution, by Eric Kaufmann, Quillette, June 22, 2020]. We’ve seen the closing of the London Conference on Intelligence in 2018 and the firing of researcher Noah Carl by Cambridge University partly for attending the London Conference on Intelligence. But also in 2018, a mathematics journal retracted and then deleted all evidence of a study that drew allegedly sexist conclusions (it supported the thesis that male intelligence has greater variability). I said at the time that Political Correctness was finally invading hard science and that this would lead to a new, anti-rational Dark Age. Since then, evidence is mounting that the Great Awokening is indeed leading to a Great Retraction which—exactly as Mao urged—puts politics in command. This Cultural Revolution, taken to new extremes of insanity in the aftermath the death of the violent criminal George Floyd, has always been Orwellian—the Multiculturalist Party knows best (especially with regard to scientific research); language must be constantly policed and changed; and, as with “Silence is Violence” the usual meaning of words is turned on its head. Orwell’s eerily prescient novel Nineteen Eighty-Four also gave us the concept of the “Memory Hole.” Party functionaries would rewrite history as it suited the Party and cast information that did not suit them into the darkness by making it no longer part of the official record. The fear of mobbing experienced by the more cowardly scientists—reliant for the livelihoods on institutions that are in the grip of Black Lives Matter Fanatics—has led to some to put their own research down the Memory Hole. Research is even being forcibly retracted by academic journals—in one case of particularly disgraceful case, the research of two scientists who are now dead and therefore cannot sue. Just recently, the publisher Springer Nature retracted a paper “Poverty and Culture” by Lawrence Mead of New York University, from the journal Society [Society, 2020]. Mead’s crime: simply arguing that black culture differs from white culture and this may be a contributory factor to greater black poverty in the U.S. This provoked the Woke mob and publisher caved, overturned the careful peer-review system in the process [Springer Nature retracts paper that hundreds called “overtly racist”, Retraction Watch, August 6, 2020]. Science involves the fearless pursuit of truth. But too many professional scientists appear to be in it for the money and prestige. Such scientists can, therefore, be prone to cowardice when faced with anti-science bullies. This can only undermine science at universities, deter those who excel in science from going into academia, and contribute the decline of the university. As I said two years ago, we are entering a new Dark Age.”

“Statues toppled, buildings renamed, curricula “decolonized,” staff fired. The protests following George Floyd’s killing have emboldened cultural revolutionaries in America and Europe. The iconoclasts are changing minds, and could be in a position to enact a root-and-branch reconstruction of America into something completely unrecognizable to its present-day inhabitants. Imagine a country whose collective memory has been upended, with a new constitution, anthem, and flag, its name changed from the sinful “America” to something less tainted. Far-fetched? Not according to data I have collected on what liberal white Americans actually believe. Only a renewed American cultural nationalism can resist it. According to multiple surveys, the effect of the riots which occurred at around the same time as the BLM protests is quite different from what occurred with previous waves of rioting. First, many of the participants in the major riots were white. Second, there has been no clear call for Nixonian law and order following the riots, but rather greater public acceptance of the BLM movement’s unsupported claims that contemporary structural racism explains why police shoot unarmed black men or violent crime plagues inner-city neighbourhoods. While 57 percent of Americans disagree with the protestors’ radical slogan, “defund the police,” an astounding 29 percent support it. This is so despite the deaths of a number of black people during the riots and the fact the riots have coincided with a steep rise in the number of black homicide deaths in inner-city neighbourhoods due to a “Ferguson Effect” of police reducing their presence in these areas. The destruction of American distinctiveness that would be necessary to achieve this de-Europeanizing cultural revolution would include blasting Mount Rushmore, tearing down numerous grand old buildings, and letting the nation’s great public parks go to seed. Books and art might not be burned, but much would be placed in storage or thrown out, erasing and eroding a centuries-old civilization.”

     Indeed, we are already taking the first steps into the dark, or rather, being pushed into it. Thus, once I get my teeth fixed up, I will get one of these to wear when everything goes medieval. And a good cape, not a coat, to really look the part.



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