The Globalist Elites Corona-Manhattan Plan By Charles Taylor

     This is very interesting for all conspiratorial types, namely that there are a secret group who whisper in Trump’s shell-lie ear. Do they hear the sea, or just nothing at all?

“Last month Massachusetts Senator Ed Markey called for the bold and urgent launch of what he called "a Manhattan Project-type approach" to fight the coronavirus pandemic given the enormity of the health and economic impact, increasingly even harming US defense readiness. Apparently there has been such a group operating behind the scenes, but very unlike the original Manhattan Project it's a private sector initiative, funded by a tiny network of ultra-rich industry titans working closely with government contacts. Meet "the secret group of scientists and billionaires pushing Trump on a Covid-19 plan" profiled in a lengthy Wall Street Journal investigation Monday: These scientists and their backers describe their work as a lockdown-era Manhattan Project, a nod to the World War II group of scientists who helped develop the atomic bomb. This time around, the scientists are marshaling brains and money to distill unorthodox ideas gleaned from around the globe. They call themselves Scientists to Stop Covid-19, and they include chemical biologists, an immunobiologist, a neurobiologist, a chronobiologist, an oncologist, a gastroenterologist, an epidemiologist and a nuclear scientist. Of the scientists at the center of the project, biologist Michael Rosbash, a 2017 Nobel Prize winner, said, “There’s no question that I’m the least qualified.”

The until now secretive group is led by a 33-year-old physician-turned-venture capitalist, Tom Cahill, and is described as an elite go-between the pharmaceutical industry and Trump administration decision-makers, or an "ad hoc review board" of sorts pursuing cutting edge outside the box ideas. The scientists include a dozen world renowned researchers, pathology experts and inventors closely networked at institutions ranging from The Scripps Research Lab in La Jolla, California, to Yale University School of Medicine to Harvard to MIT's Laboratory for Nuclear Security and Policy to private companies and labs like Merck and others. Recommendations and ideas floated by Scientists to Stop Covid-19 have already reportedly had far-reaching influence, including affecting policy inside FDA and the Department of Veterans Affairs, and the group is reportedly advising close Pence aide Nick Ayers. Among other billionaire influencers and backers to the private initiative include Peter Thiel, Jim Palotta, Michael Milken, Brian Sheth, and Steve Pagliuca, among others.”

     This is of extra interest since it names, names, no deleted word, Word. But it only stands to reason that those who have power, will exercise it. What is new today is the way that high level technocrats have moved positions up the ladder of slime to tell even the financial and power elites what to do, with careful respect of course. That is the power of science and technology, which are the magic of our age. Anyway, how about a bit of vintage Alex Jones to help our digestion, or is it indigestion?

Or, this one, where it is said by a friendly medico-technocrat, ““I have the solution,” Every study showed us in the last five years that if you look at vaccine refusers … we just get rid of all the whites in the United States.” “Guess who wants to get vaccinated the most? Immigrants!”

     And, just how do they plan to do that? The great Replacement I hear you say.



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