The Fruits of Diabetes By Mrs Vera West

     If like me, you have diabetes and are using diet to control it, you need to be aware of your sugar intake. Not all fruits are suitable for you, some being naturally high in fructose, a form of sugar:

“One study involving over 45,000 participants in the Singapore Chinese Health Study reported that certain types of fruits decreased the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, while some types increased the risk, dietary and lifestyle factors notwithstanding. The participants, aged between 45 to 74 years, and had no diabetes, cancer or cardiovascular disease upon recruitment (1993 to 1998), answered a validated food-frequency questionnaire in order to assess their fruit intake. The researchers then conducted follow-up interviews with the participants – one in 1991 to 2004, and one in 2006 to 2010 – and found that over 5,000 of the participants developed Type 2 diabetes during these follow-up periods.

The research team found that total fruit consumption was not consistently associated with lower risk for Type 2 diabetes. The results of the follow-up interviews showed that the consumption of high-glycemic index fruits such as bananas put men at greater risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, whereas consumption of low-glycemic index fruits such as apples lowered the risk for women. The researchers concluded that the impact of fruit consumption on the risk of diabetes may differ by the type of fruits, depending on their glycemic impact or phytochemical content.”

     Again, this is pretty much a confirmation of common sense; namely that some fruits are so sweet that you know that they are trouble. I cannot recommend any medical advice here, and these posts are for information purposes only, but I have cut out all fruits from my diet, eating only meats and vegetables, with zero dairy and zero grains. I have never felt better, but I accept that for many such a diet would be worse than a death sentence. Each to their own. Gasp! I just googled why my eyelids are twitching, and it seems to be a product of eye strain from too much computer work. But, boys and girls, don’t use that as an excuse for not doing your homework. And, the sacrifice is well worth it because we must be getting through to somebody, surely?



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