The French Police Unlawfully Arrested Six CitizenGO Members for Protesting the Mockery of Christianity During the Olympic Games’ Opening Ceremony, By James Reed

Last week in Paris, the French police authorities unlawfully arrested six members of CitizenGO. Their "crime" was not stabbing innocent girls to death at a Taylor Swift dance session, or roaming the streets with machetes, but for driving a bus with the sign on it "Stop attacks on Christians!" This was in relation to the opening ceremony of the Olympics, which brutally satirised the Last Supper. A petition of almost 400,000 people agreed so this is a legitimate free speech issue. But the Macron government shut it down as it was not good PR for the woke Olympics. The bus protesters were arrested on false charges of "organizing a demonstration without government approval." They were then subjected to the usual police abuse, including being handcuffed, stripped, searched, and deprived of food and water. Lawyers were able to recur their release from police interrogation. As further proof of the attack upon Christianity, the police detained the bus and demanded the removal of the sign, which CitizenGo refused to do.

CitizenGo is set to file law suits against Macron and his Attorney General. This is but one more illustration of the globalist's attacks upon Christianity and the traditional foundation of Western civilisation.

Dear Friend,

Imagine being arrested for simply standing up for your faith.

This is precisely what happened in Paris this week.

The French police unlawfully arrested six members of CitizenGO, including my good friends Sebastian Lukomski, amongst others for protesting the vile mockery of Christianity during the Olympic Games' opening ceremony.

CitizenGO, representing a petition signed by nearly 400,000 people, took to the streets of Paris with a bus resplendent with signage boldly stating, "Stop Attacks on Christians!"

This bus was meant to be a peaceful protest against the offensive portrayal of the Last Supper filled with drag queens by the International Olympic Committee.

(By the way, some have fallen for the rubbish that it wasn't the Last Supper being depicted but some banquet of Greek gods. Don't fall for the lie; even an Olympics spokesperson couldn't maintain than nonsense.)

Instead of being heard, they were met with an appalling display of authoritarianism.

Here's what went down: The bus started its journey around Paris at 9 AM, gaining attention and support from countless passers-by.

But by the afternoon, the French police, in a shocking overreach of power, surrounded the bus with armed officers.

They flagged down the driver at gunpoint and arrested the entire team.

Their ludicrous charge? "Organizing a demonstration without government approval."

That was a blatant lie! CitizenGO had meticulously followed all regulations.

Here's what my friend Sebastian recorded after being taken into the police van:

So, as you can see, we've just been taken into the police van where we're right now being taken. The whole CitizenGO team on the ground is going to be taken to the police office, to the police station where they want to file a report. They found some kind of reason why we cannot have this van over here. We did everything within the rules. We asked if there was a need for permission. It seems like it's an ideological attack against CitizenGO. So you'll keep you updated or you let you know what's happening. Right this moment as we've being taken away as criminals.

Once in custody, the nightmare escalated.

The team members were handcuffed, stripped, searched, and denied access to their lawyers and families.

They faced severe psychological abuse and threats of extended imprisonment.

Some were even deprived of food and water, all for charges that didn't exist!

After immense pressure from their lawyer, the team was finally released in the early hours of the morning.

But the harassment continued.

Some members had to return for further questioning, only for the prosecutor to admit there were no grounds for charges.

This was a sham from the start, a clear attempt to silence CitizenGO.

This isn't just a crackdown on CitizenGO; it's an attack on free speech and religious freedom.

The authorities, desperate to suppress the message, went as far as detaining the bus – the one they found so threatening – right in front of the police station in District 16, in the heart of Paris for all to see.

Les idiots. The police state attempts to censor only amplified the voice of the protest!

But the police also demanded the removal of the decals displaying the pro-Christian message on the bus. The team refused because, once again, there were no legal grounds for the removal of the decal.

The bus was then escorted by police out of the city.

A bus! Escorted by police cars and multiple police motorcycles out of Paris. A harmless bus that complied with all French and Parisian traffic/transport laws.

This isn't democracy; it's tyranny!

This entire incident cannot be let slide.

Lawsuits are being filed against France's President Macron, his Attorney General, and the gendarmerie.

This is a blatant act of intimidation, but the fight for Christian values in the public square will continue.

If not now, when?

If not by those who care deeply, then by whom?

As I've said, this is not just about CitizenGO; it's about everyone who believes in free speech and religious freedom." 



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