The First, Presidential Debacle By Charles Taylor

     Dr Steve Turley is an eternally optimistic Christian patriot. Why, after listening to this, I changed my opinion about the debate. I originally thought Trump was weak, worse than in the debate against Hillary. But, that may be disappointment with Trump on my part, projecting my negativity. The debate was unfairly set up by the usual monsters, Biden probably being aided by his helpers beaming what to say into his ear piece, like they will in the one day of his possible presidency before, I don’t know, George Soros replaces him … no, he already has. The questions were devised to attack Trump, such as one creep asking Trump to condemn white supremacists, who are apparently the ones burning down America; that is the fantasy in the Left’s mind. That was a what was heavy on the moderator’s mind, who was totally blind to the destruction of the Left, being so deluded as to believe that it was white supremacists doing all the anarchist things we have seen. Trump at least said that it was the Left doing this. Biden, who has been photographed on bended knee before these gangs, simply nodded off.

     “I have done more in 47 months than you have in 47 years,” said Trump,  the most memorable phrase of the evening.

     Here is material about the criminality of the antifa:

     On a happy note, the Biden campaign classified Kyle Rittenhouse as a white supremacist, and even some we will not mention,  denied that he was, so here comes a defamation case: 



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