The False Prophets/Profits of Doom By James Reed

This anti-university story comes from the US, but is equally as applicable to Australia, as we suffer under the same globalist woke regime. University of Alabama geology professor Matthew Wielicki, is resigning as he can no longer put up with the woke bs coming from the modern university, especially on climate change hysteria. He notes that the academics promoting these doomsday scenarios, in private admitted to him that they exaggerated, but it was for a good cause. I think there is one notable doomster who has done this for decades, whose predictions have all failed. Yet, we are not in the clear, because apart from climate change, there are more realistic environmental threats, such as impending water wars and soil erosion, factors that have destroyed societies. But these issues do not lend themselves to the globalist communist agenda, so they get side-lined. The solution lies in seeing the universities as enemy-occupied territory, and closing them down. The fist step is to actually see the problem, and call out the crooks, and I am one of the few conservative journalists in Australia to do this.

“A geological sciences professor, who announced this week he will leave his role at the University of Alabama at the end of the semester over the school's inability to "embrace the freedom of exchanging ideas," says those that are pushing a disastrous climate narrative are "robbing" young Americans of their "ambition and their hope."

Speaking Tuesday to Fox News Digital about his decision, Dr. Matthew Wielicki, an assistant professor in the school's geological sciences department, pushed back against the messaging of "vocal climate alarmists," who he concludes are doing more harm than good when it comes to America's youth.

"So if you go to one of these large conferences for earth scientists, routinely we'll be chatting over beers and things, and, you know, I'll ask folks like, 'you don't really believe that the planets gonna end in eight or 10 or 12 years or anything like that?' Of course not," Wielicki said. "I mean, I'll go to these talks by some of the most vocal climate alarmists out there and I notice that they're pushing a stroller with like a one or two-year-old in it. I'm like, wait a minute, do these people really believe that the planet is going to end in eight or 10 or 12 years? They clearly don't believe that."

"I talk to my students [and] there's a good chunk of them that really think that the planet is heading towards some sort of civilization collapse in eight, 10, 12 years," he added. "What a terrible way to motivate young people. Like why? Why am I going to be a good steward of my planet? Why am I going to be responsible and sacrifice now so I can have a brighter future later on if I think that my future is doomed anyway? We're robbing these young people of their ambition and their hope. And it's the adults doing it. It's the adults allowing this stuff."

Wielicki, who has served in his role at the University of Alabama since 2016 and said it was his "life dream" to educate others, said he wants more out of the scientific community when it comes to claims about the planet's end that are "absolutely absurd."

"The scientific community should be the first ones to say, 'whoa, whoa, whoa, some of these claims are absolutely absurd.' It doesn't mean we don't have a problem. It doesn't mean we won't face challenges, and we shouldn't be thinking about solutions, but we can't be putting out this," he said.

Wielicki, an immigrant from Poland who grew up in California, said he is concerned about the climate alarmist agenda's impact on young kids who were once excited about building families but are now hesitant to do so because of what they have been told and worry that their children "won't have a future."




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