The Existential Threat of Woke By Chris Knight (Florida)

Trump has said that the idea of woke is vague, and no-one knows what it means. On this he is surely wrong, as those promoting this neo-Marxist ideology know exactly what they are doing. But, by contrast, Trump’s competitor, Ron DeSantis has said that woke is an existential threat and “basically a war on the truth,” and “it’s about putting merit and achievement behind identity politics.” “As that has infected institutions, and it has corrupted institutions. So, you’ve got to be willing to fight the woke, we’ve done that in Florida, and we proudly consider ourselves the state where woke goes to die.”

That as I see it, is definitely a point to DeSantis over Trump.

After Donald Trump proclaimed at the weekend that he doesn’t like the term ‘woke’ because nobody knows what it really means, his GOP challenger Ron DeSantis charged that those who do not treat it as an “existential threat” are missing the point.

Commenting to reporters on Trump’s comments, DeSantis noted “Woke is an existential threat to our society,” adding that “to say it’s not a big deal, that just shows you don’t understand what a lot of these issues are right now.”

DeSantis described woke as a “form of Cultural Marxism,” and “basically a war on the truth,” adding “it’s about putting merit and achievement behind identity politics.”

“As that has infected institutions, and it has corrupted institutions. So, you’ve got to be willing to fight the woke, we’ve done that in Florida, and we proudly consider ourselves the state where woke goes to die,” DeSantis urged.

Trump said Friday at a Q&A in Iowa “We have school systems that don’t even want to talk to the parents about their children. You talk about changing gender and things where the child can make a choice and the child can be unbelievably young — the country has gone sick. It’s gone sick. And I don’t like the term ‘woke,’ because I hear the term “woke, woke, woke,” … it’s like just a term they use, and half the people can’t define what it is. 

Trump continued, “you look at these things like women getting competing with men that were men and are men. And out there swimming and setting records. Do you see the records being broken?”

He added “It is so crazy. And that is all woke. I guess they define that as woke. But that’s all woke. We have to bring common sense back to the country. People say, “You are conservative.” Yeah, I am conservative, but more importantly, I’m a person with common sense.”



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