The Epidemiological Model of the University By James Reed

     It has been my thesis for many a year, that the universities are the breeding ground of most of the diseases of the mind harming society, and that the best way of dealing with this is by the time proven method of quarantine, closing down the sites of infection and disinfecting them, by making them into vocational training centres. This disease model of the university could be called by the fancy name, the “epidemiological model of the university,” the study of the spread of mind viral diseases. Here is some more decadence form the US, soon to be practiced in Australia, no doubt: 

“Reed College leaders have agreed to revise a mandatory freshman humanities course focused on the Western Canon in the wake of a protracted student protest campaign against the class that decried it as too “Caucasoid” and “Eurocentric.” Although details are still being hashed out, faculty appear to have agreed to broaden the scope of the course to allow for more authors of color and to study thinkers from geographic locations beyond Europe.

The course had traditionally focused on scholars underpinning Western Civilization, and assigned books written by Greco-Roman thinkers such as Aristotle, Plato and Ovid, as well as from Mesopotamia and Egypt. But for more than a year “Humanities 110” has been the target of protests by a student group called “Reedies Against Racism,” who demanded it be “reformed to represent the voices of people of color.” In statements to The College Fix over the last year, student protesters have called the class too “Caucasoid” and “Eurocentric.”

     Oh, I spoke too soon, Oz is fast catching up in the political correctness, funded by you  tax payer stakes: 

“Green/Left groupthink at Monash University has reached the point where the brains trust thought it a good idea to woo prospective students with a collage of violent social-justice film clips presented against a soundtrack of violent rap lyrics. Here’s a better idea: don’t send your kids there. The violent and mendacious 60-second montage is also on the university’s home page, creating a university’s minute of infamy. Which of its clips would you vote as the most creepy?

•    A young Monash woman walks up (at 50secs) and defiantly rips down a lecture-theatre wall chart being discussed by three males, two in suits and one is balding. No reason can be ascertained for her wimmynly  rage. The text says, “Our Clayton campus  is committed to being a living example of positive change.”

•    Someone shimmies around wearing a Donald Trump mask. The backing song goes, “Yeah the big bully killed ‘em all”.  The video text blames “populism” for Trump’s election. (The video is supposed to advertise the university’s sophistication in international relations).

•    Monash students demonstrate for “Grants not Fees” – other suckers can pay for students’ privileges. An Aboriginal and a shaved-head woman are to the fore.[1]

•    Aborigines demonstrate (at 40secs) to “Stop the Genocide” (what genocide?) and for treaty-backed sovereignty

•    A polar bear plays hopscotch on ice floes, as proof of global warming’s  veracity (even Monash might have checked that Al Gore’s polar bear peril was and remains a crock)

•    Any of the violence-porn clips crammed into the 60 seconds – from the opening sucker punch by a masked “punch a nazi” hooligan, to injured or dead Arabs to explosions and an elephant crumpling when shot by poachers.

A Monash University spokesperson responded to on-line criticism (emphasis added), “As an institution, we firmly believe in its message. This is us drawing a line in the sand about what we think a top university [Monash ranks equal 80th worldwide] has to contribute to the world. In 2016 we encouraged our community to challenge the status quo and question what is put in front of them in order to move forward. Now we want people to take action.”

     Yes, I don’t like it and want to change it: change them! More reason to “close ‘em down!” Professor Jordan Peterson has called for a slashing of funding for universities, just as Leftoids are calling for his termination: 

     They have no respect for free speech and must be fought hard. Let us start by slashing university funding and pruning them down. The endgame of all of this is that this core element of the university will disintegrate anyway, so let’s cut out the middle man, speed up the process, save money, and close them down, now! Let’s all chant it: “What do we want? Close down the universities!! When do we want it? Yesterday!”



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