The End of Women By Mrs Vera West

     Feminists have cheerfully proclaimed the end of men:

     However, with artificial wombs, the shoe could be on the other foot:

“The idea of growing babies outside the body has inspired novels and movies for decades. Now, research groups around the world are exploring the possibility of artificial gestation. For instance, one group successfully grew a lamb in an artificial womb for four weeks. Australian researchers have also experimented with artificial gestation for lambs and sharks. And in recent weeks, researchers in The Netherlands have received €2.9m ($4.66m) to develop a prototype for gestating premature babies. So it’s important to consider some of the ethical issues this technology might bring. What is an artificial womb? Growing a baby outside the womb is known as ectogenesis (or exogenesis). And we’re already using a form of it. When premature infants are transferred to humidicribs to continue their development in a neonatal unit, that’s partial ectogenesis. But an artificial womb could extend the period a fetus could be gestated outside the body. Eventually, we might be able to do away with human wombs altogether. This may sound far-fetched, but many scientists working in reproductive biotechnology believe that with the necessary scientific and legal support, full ectogenesis is a real possibility for the future.

What would an artificial womb contain? An artificial womb would need an outer shell or chamber. That’s somewhere to implant the embryo and protect it as it grows. So far, animal experiments have used acrylic tanks, plastics bags and uterine tissues removed from an organism and artificially kept alive. An artificial womb would also need a synthetic replacement for amniotic fluid, a shock absorber in the womb during natural pregnancy. Finally, there would have to be a way to exchange oxygen and nutrients (so oxygen and nutrients in and carbon dioxide and waste products out). In other words, researchers would have to build an artificial placenta. Animal experiments have used a complex catheter and pump systems. But there are plans to use a mini version of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, a technique that allows blood to be oxygenated outside the body. Once these are in place, artificial gestation could one day become as common as IVF is today, a technique considered revolutionary a few decades ago. And just as in the case of IVF, there are many who are concerned about what this new realm of reproductive medicine might mean for the future of creating a family.”

     The article goes on to list advantages this technology could have, and there are always advantages, even to atom bombs. What has to be grasped is that it is paving the way for the end of women. Indeed, sex robots, combined with this, introduce a dangerous, brave new technocratic New World Order:

“Is there a sex robot revolution on the horizon? In a few weeks, the city of Brussels will host the 4th International Conference on Love and Sex with Robots, so you tell me. In her presentation at the AEPS symposium, Brandon made a strong case suggesting that sex robots are truly in development and on the way, perhaps in a decade or two. Brandon pointed out several potential problems that may well come along with the robots for the ride. These problems all make sense when we think of our evolved relationship psychology:

•    Men, already disproportionately represented as consumers of pornography, will likely be over-represented as consumers of sex robots.
•    Within committed relationships, sexual interactions, which are apparently already on a nationwide decline, are likely to drop further.
•    Intimacy in relationships, which strongly maps onto both quantity and quality of sexual interactions within mateships, is likely to drop in quality as well.
•    The prevalence of marriage and birth rates may well see declining numbers.
•    Motivation for people to work on relationship problems within mateships will be naturally reduced.

In short, the advent of sex robot technology may well foreshadow, in many ways, the demise of intimate relationships in the modern world.

Bottom Line
As biotechnology, artificial intelligence, and software technologies advance, sex robots are nearly certainly on the way. And they might sound like a great idea to some. But once we think about this technology from an evolutionary perspective, we can quickly see that sex robots will represent an unprecedented form of supernormal stimulus—one that may well have extraordinary physiological short-term benefits, along with equally extraordinary long-term costs, ultimately taxing individuals, dyads, families, and broader communities.”

     These technological “developments” will constitute the most radical deconstruction of traditional society and social relationships to date, but they are a logical continuation of the technological worship of the modern era, where science and technology rule supreme, maybe even deeper than finance, since few conservatives question technology, full stop, only bits they don’t like. It is a pity that there is not more thought about this, but, as George Bernard Shaw, himself a Fabian said, and he would know: “Two percent of people think; three percent of people think they think; and ninety-five percent of the people would rather die than think.”



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