The End of the Transgender Phenomenon By Mrs Vera West

I can tell you that there was no transgender phenomenon, like today, long ago when I was a girl. But, it has come, indicating that it is a social construction. How can the Left deny this, since everything for them is a social construction? Now, leading expert Professor Paul McHugh is predicting that the transgender phenomenon will fade, as other social movements have, running out of steam. If anything, scarce medical resources will limit it in the future.

“One of the world’s most renowned experts on the transgender phenomenon declared in an interview he is “absolutely convinced” the transgender movement is “folly and it’s going to collapse, just as the eugenics folly collapsed.”

In an interview at the end of May with Matthew J. Franck, contributing editor of Public Discourse, Paul McHugh, M.D. the University Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, warned puberty is a complex biological process that has been “over-simplified” to the detriment of children with gender dysphoria who are being treated with puberty blockers.

He compared the course of the transgender phenomenon to that of eugenics:

Eugenics was quite as powerful, after all. I’m reassured that we psychiatrists have been everywhere before. Fortunately, Adolf Meyer, my predecessor at Johns Hopkins, was one of the few psychiatrists in the world, really, who said “I don’t think we can go this way with the eugenics movement.” And so I feel I’m in good company by saying this is going to collapse.

“It’s going to collapse, particularly, in relationship to the injury to children, because these people are already beginning to build up evidence for the misdirection they were sent on,” he explained.

McHugh said the drugs are administered at a time when “the child is not prepared to think about what their life would be like.”

“Remember, puberty occurs between nine and fourteen when you’re a girl, and between eleven and fourteen when you’re a boy,” he explained. “These are children.”

The psychiatrist continued:

Anyone who’s had a ten-year-old girl or boy around knows that he or she is under your protective wing, in the sense not only of making sure he or she eats and is not abused today, but that he or she doesn’t make a mistake in their own decisions that will reverberate forever for them. We don’t let them get tattooed, we don’t — I wouldn’t let my daughter have her ears pierced until she turned sixteen. So these are very young children.

McHugh explained that puberty is “a very complex process,” one of the “great transforming neuro-endocrine events in anybody’s life.”

“And we know only some parts of it; we do not know, for example, what triggers puberty,” he noted, observing that, in 2005, the journal Science presented that very question in an article about phenomena science still does not fully understand.

Science responded to the question with, “Nutrition—including that received in utero—seems to help set this mysterious biological clock, but no one knows exactly what forces childhood to end.”

“It’s a big mystery,” McHugh said, adding:

But one of the things we do know is that the human being is very different from the ordinary animal. With the animal, if they successfully go through puberty — and they go through it rather young — at the end of that, fundamentally, they are the complete being that they’re going to be. With human beings, some of the most interesting individuating characteristics of themselves occur only after puberty, probably with a combination of the intellectual powers and the energy that sexual development brings.

“So I don’t think any child — and any parent, for that matter — can make an informed consent to permit the blocking of puberty and the transmission of another sex,” he asserted. “That’s the first thing: you don’t have an idea what you’re doing. So how can you have an informed consent about it? Because nobody knows.”



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