The End of Patient Privacy By Charles Taylor

     Big Tech continues to move down the track of it tyrannical freedom-eliminating agenda, with the latest move being their play of seeking hospital and other health data:

“Google parent Alphabet, Amazon, IBM, Microsoft, and have launched a campaign for restrictions on data sharing between hospitals to be dropped. At the Blue Button 2.0 Developer Conference in Washington, D.C., the companies issued a joint statement against patient data sharing restrictions. “We are jointly committed to removing barriers for the adoption of technologies for healthcare interoperability, particularly those that are enabled through the cloud and AI,” the companies declared. “We share the common quest to unlock the potential in healthcare data, to deliver better outcomes at lower costs.” According to CNBC, the companies even proposed building tools “for the health community around a set of common standards for exchanging health information electronically.”    

     It is staggering the arrogance of these elites that they do not know when to stop, assuming that the sheeple will continue to allow themselves to be preyed upon. There are numerous reasons for not having health data in any central data depository, as the Singapore hacking incident a few months back showed. Why would anyone serous about freedom want to have entities that are shutting down free speech controlling their health data?     On a related tangent, although the evidence for the benefits of vitamin D, even in supplements, continues to grow, The New York Times has a piece alleging that there is a vitamin D conspiracy, as one promoter of the benefits of vitamin D has made substantial amounts of money.

     Well, if that is a knockdown argument, then it counts against the entire medical profession, where from the lowest GP, to those at the top of the greasy pole, reap huge benefits from, almost everything. It is a pity that original sin has made man so sickly, compared to more robust creatures, such as wombats, who are cute, fat  marsupials, and not bats, although perhaps they wish, at times they could be bats.



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