The Diesel Apocalypse By Chris Knight (Florida)

Hopefully the diesel shortage crisis does not hit Australia, but here in the US it is just another crisis to deal with. Diesel fuel is so short in supply that it will have to be rationed at the end of the month, so I will not be driving my diesel SUV to work, taking the Tesla instead (joking, I would rather walk). Without diesel the whole society shuts down and the worst apocalyptic scenarios, of food shortages (no deliveries) and riots and home invasions occur, as is to be expected in a disintegrating society.

So, why has this happened? Why can’t diesel be made from petroleum like in the good old days? The problem, as with most things, goes to the environmentalist lobby, which pushed for refineries to make biodiesel. But, here lies the problem: “Realize that in order to produce biofuel out of food, somebody has to produce the food first. And that means farmers need fertilizer and diesel fuel for their tractors in order to grow the food. But the diesel is running out precisely because the diesel refineries switched to biofuel, but biofuel needs food which can only be grown by using diesel … you get the idea. It’s a vicious cycle of doom and stupidity. Soon, America will have lots of mothballed refineries that can produce biofuel from food, but won’t have any food to feed into their refineries.”

There is little doubt than environmentalism, rather than saving us, will by its misplaced sense of importance, doom us all at some point, unless we say: “no more!”

“In what we are now calling Dieselgeddon, the supply of diesel fuel in the United States is plunging. By the end of May or early June — unless something changes dramatically — diesel fuel will go into extreme scarcity and have to be rationed across America.

Because diesel is used by nearly all trains (because they’re “diesel-electric” trains), transport trucks, construction equipment and farming equipment, the crash in diesel availability will sharply affect all the following:

  • Food availability
  • Fertilizers for growing food
  • Coal for powering the electrical grid
  • Construction projects
  • Transportation of consumer goods to retail stores
  • UPS, FedEx, USPS and other package carriers

Few people realize how important diesel fuel is to the economy, but they’re about to learn this all-important lesson the hard way: Without diesel fuel, America’s economy ceases to function. Full stop.

Without diesel, UPS can’t deliver packages. shuts down. The USPS stops delivering mail.

Without diesel, the trains can’t deliver fertilizer to farmers. Food crops don’t get planted or fail to produce sufficient harvests to feed the world.

Without diesel, all construction projects stop, meaning roads and bridges are no longer repaired. The highway infrastructure collapses.

Without diesel, the United States of America ceases to function.

It all begs the question: Why is there a diesel shortage?

Mysterious fires and biodiesel conversions of existing refineries

One reason we don’t have enough diesel being refined in America is because over the last few years, major fuel refineries shut down their diesel operations and began retooling to produce “biodiesel” — a highly inefficient, virtue signaling product that’s actually horrible for the environment and yet depends almost entirely on food production to make the fuel. (It’s incredibly wasteful to grow food and then turn that food into fuel. Just look at corn-derived ethanol fiasco that’s an ecological nightmare…)


As JWN reported in 2020, “Massive oil refiners are turning into biofuel plants in the west.” During the contrived covid lockdowns, it turns out, there was so much excess diesel in the pipeline that these companies were strong-armed into “going green” by transforming their refineries into biofuel factories. This means, of course, they can no longer produce real diesel fuel from petroleum. From that story:

Phillips 66 on Wednesday became the latest in a string of U.S. refiners to say it’s converting an oil refinery in California into a biofuel plant as gasoline loses its lustre to fuels derived from agricultural and waste products. The company said its 120,000 barrel-a-day Rodeo refinery near San Francisco will become the world’s biggest plant that makes so-called renewable diesel, as well as gasoline and jet fuel, out of used cooking oil, fats, greases and soybean oils.

The announcement came about a week after fuel giant Marathon Petroleum Corp. said that it may convert two refineries into renewable diesel plants. In June, HollyFrontier Corp. said it would turn its Cheyenne, Wyoming, refinery into a renewable diesel plant by 2022.

Realize that in order to produce biofuel out of food, somebody has to produce the food first. And that means farmers need fertilizer and diesel fuel for their tractors in order to grow the food. But the diesel is running out precisely because the diesel refineries switched to biofuel, but biofuel needs food which can only be grown by using diesel… you get the idea. It’s a vicious cycle of doom and stupidity. Soon, America will have lots of mothballed refineries that can produce biofuel from food, but won’t have any food to feed into their refineries.

Can’t make up the level of stupidity required to land us at this point.

On top of this, a mysterious fire led to a massive explosion of a diesel refinery in Philadelphia in 2019. The company running the refinery, Philadelphia Energy Solutions,” filed for bankruptcy in July of 2019, following the fire and explosion that took it out of commission, reports CNBC.

This sort of fire, which CNBC blames on a “faulty pipe,” reminds us of the string of fires affecting food facilities across the USA in recent months. It all seems like coordinated sabotage of the infrastructure providing energy and food to America.

In summary, it is the conversion to so-called “green” biofuels — as well as the mysterious fire and explosion in Philadelphia — that has led to DIESELGEDDON which is about to hit America hard. As the diesel runs out, and transportation becomes insanely expensive and unreliable, Joe Biden and the Democrats are sending $40 billion to Ukraine while utterly refusing to do anything to help defend America’s energy infrastructure.

That shows you their priorities, doesn’t it? They’re all about saving Ukraine while destroying America.

That’s what democrats do, of course: They destroy everything they touch.”




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