The Delta Virus and the Vaccines By Brian Simpson

Not to agree, disagree, or take any position of health or medical questions, but as a matter of public debate, I think that still exists a bit doesn’t it(?), here are some views on the Covid Delta variant and the Covid vaccines. Is it right? That is not for me to decide; I just report the news, not make it! At the end of the day, we all have to evaluate things for ourselves, in the light of all available information. If the statistics cited below are correct, and I have seen no refutation, some explanation is needed.

“We have now reached a stunning tipping point in the global push for mass vaccinations that inject people with spike protein bioweapons. New research finds that “fully vaccinated” individuals are suffering an eight times higher mortality rate than the non-vaccinated. And a stunning report out of the UK finds that 62% of those dying from covid are people who have been vaccinated.

The covid vaccine, it turns out, doesn’t really work.

More specifically, it doesn’t provide non-specific immunity to even slight variations in coronavirus morphology. While natural immunity produces more “general” antibodies that work against all sorts of variants, the covid vaccine — consisting of spike protein bioweapons being injected into human guinea pigs as part of a global medical experiment — provides little or no immunity against viral variants (even assuming it works against the original strain, which is quite a leap).

The implications of this are profound. It means that people who have chosen the vaccine route instead of the natural immunity route will be forever dependent on “booster” shots to try to address each new variant as mutations appear in the wild. This means repeated injections with more bioweapons, and it means the covid vaccines that were originally promoted as a pathway to “freedom” and immunity are no such thing. It’s more like an addiction to the needle, because you need endless injections just to stay current, since viruses constantly mutate in the wild.

While a naturally immune person has achieved true freedom with a fully functioning immune system, a vaccine-dependent person has no general protections and must live in constant fear that a new mutation will suddenly render their existing, limited antibodies completely obsolete.

Yet vaccine passports are given to the vaccinated — the most vulnerable — not those who have achieved far more powerful natural immunity. This is just one of the many ways the entire plandemic response is actually designed to continue spreading the infections so that lockdowns, mask mandates and vaccine mandates can be gleefully justified by power-drunk bureaucrats and medical tyrants.

Delta variant vaccine failure now used to demand return to lockdowns, masks and social distancing

As I publicly predicted months ago, these new “variants” are greedily invoked by health tyrants to unleash a return to authoritarian lockdowns, mask mandates and other freedom-crushing demands. The failure of their own vaccine creates the very conditions that give them the power to take away yet more human freedoms. And just to add insult to injury, they demand you consent to every new vaccine they concoct, always with the same calculated lie: “If you just take THIS vaccine, then you’ll be safe and free!” …

Importantly, given that viruses constantly mutate in the wild, there is no future where medical tyrants voluntarily declare the pandemic to be “over” and stop demanding lockdowns, masks and vaccine injections.

They’ve found the ultimate power trip scam, and they’re going to keep pushing it as long as they can. And for those who are willing to be obedient sheeple — mostly Democrats and Leftists, of course — this means never-ending enslavement under the Pandemic Virus Industrial Complex.

Remember the promise from 2020? “Give us two weeks to flatten the curve.” Soon it will be two years and counting. There is no scenario where these covid tyrants release their iron grip on humanity. There is no point where they say, “You’re vaccinated enough.” There is no circumstance under which they will back off from their power grab and trust in people to make their own decisions.

As proof of that, LA County has just issued a new declaration, demanding that everybody wear masks indoors — even if you’re vaccinated — because of the Delta variant. Isn’t this a blatant admission that the promise of vaccines was a complete fraud? So, any time a new variant comes along, everybody has to surrender to the public health tyrants yet again?”

“The death rate from the Delta COVID variant is six times higher among those who were fully vaccinated for two weeks or longer than among those who never received a shot, according to data published by Public Health England on Friday. 

Twenty-six people died among 4,087 who were fully vaccinated 14 days or more before testing positive for the Delta COVID variant. This equates to a death rate of 0.00636 percent, which is 6.6 times higher than the rate of 0.000957 deaths – or 34 deaths among 35,521 positive Delta cases among the unvaccinated, according to data published in a June 18 report titled “SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England, Technical briefing 16.”

Both death rates among the unvaccinated and vaccinated are exceedingly low (less than one percent of all positive tests) for a variant that Public Health England describes as the “dominant variant” in the UK, comprising “91 percent of sequenced cases.” 

risk assessment of the Delta variant of the pandemic coronavirus published Friday describes it as being more readily spread between people, but it is also described as a variant with “low infection severity.”   

Mainstream media have latched onto the possibility that the Delta variant is producing higher hospitalization rates in parts of Scotland and England than the “first wave” of the Alpha variant, but according to the UK public health report, these data are based on “early evidence” and “limited understanding of the clinical course of the disease.” Top of Form

Since hospitalizations are of concern, fully vaccinated people are being hospitalized in the UK at a higher rate than unvaccinated people. According to most recent technical briefing report, public health data show that 2.0 percent of vaccinated individuals (84 of 4,087) who tested positive for the Delta variant were admitted to hospital (including those tested upon entering the hospital for any other reason) compared with 1.48 percent of unvaccinated individuals (527 of 35,521). 

The current data is in keeping with data published last week by England’s public health agency that also showed a six-times greater death rate among the fully vaccinated than the unvaccinated and a hospital admission rate of 2.3 percent among those fully vaccinated at least two weeks earlier compared with just 1.2 percent among the unvaccinated. 

Antibody-dependent enhancement? 

This is reminiscent of the ADE (antibody dependent enhancement) phenomenon that has been seen for other vaccine and that has been expressed as a point of concern among many scientists for the COVID vaccines,” Stephanie Seneff, a senior researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory told LifeSiteNews. 

ADE blighted previous attempts at coronavirus vaccines and frequently resulted in enhanced lung disease among vaccinated lab animals. It led researchers in 2012 to advise scientists to proceed with “caution” for any human coronavirus vaccines which could lead to enhanced lung disease. 

Seneff said research has shown that coronavirus vaccines alter the ways immune systems respond to infection and can activate other sleeping infections in the vaccinated person such as herpes virus, creating symptoms of Bell’s palsy or shingles.  

“It is conceivable to me that the laser-beam specificity of the induced antibodies is offset by a general weakening of innate immunity,” Seneff said.  

“I also suspect that massive vaccination campaigns may accelerate the rate at which the vaccine-resistant mutant strains become dominant among all the SARS-Co-V2 [coronavirus] strains.”

The interesting question is what new variant of coronavirus will we see next? Other articles at the blog will review claims that bugs with sharper spikes on the way. Is the zombie apocalypse next, so to speak, as one blog put it, and this is for a bit of comic relief, because, trust me, if you write as much of this as me, you need all the relief you can get!

“No, we don’t have any zombies yet; but that’s not to say we won’t. I’m not referring to COVID-19 zombies, but perhaps something considerably worse. Several people I know have felt that this disease is nothing more than a preparation for something much more severe. Could it be the zombie apocalypse? I don’t know; but I’m much more of a believer than I was a month ago.

We’re all familiar with zombie movies, even if we haven’t watched any ourselves. The plot is repetitive, at least for the beginning of the movie. It’s always a virus that attacks the brain, leading to people becoming zombies. The rest of the movie is more unique, as those who are not so infected work to try and wipe out the zombies, ensuring their own survival.

But here’s the scary part… while SARS-Cov-19 isn’t the only virus that infects the brain, it is the most prevalent. The Zika virus is another which has been demonstrated to have the ability to affect the brain, although that is much more likely to happen in a fetus, than it is in an adult.

Here’s the thing; if the Zika and COVID-19 viruses can cause brain damage, what can other viruses do to the brain?

The truth is that we just don’t know and finding out might prove to be very costly. We may never know, until there is a for-real zombie outbreak somewhere in the world. Considering how rapidly the Coronavirus spread, that outbreak could circle the globe before it is even identified, just like in World War Z.

An Intentional Outbreak?

As controversy heats up about the possibility of a lab accident releasing the virus onto the world, along with the possibility that this is an “engineered” virus, one scary piece of evidence that has come out is that the Wuhan lab has a lot more different strains of bat virus hidden behind their walls than previously thought. Apparently, many of these were collected from caves where bats are known to dwell.

The idea that such a leak could occur, creating an outbreak, really isn’t as far-fetched as some would like us to believe. Vincent Munster, a virologist at the Rocky Mountain Laboratories, has stated “Nine out of ten times, when there’s a new outbreak, you’ll find a lab that will be working on these kinds of viruses nearby.” If that’s the case, just what sorts of things do they have hiding behind the walls of all those labs?

Was the Wuhan lab performing research in bio-warfare? That’s something which we’ll never know. Although the idea the Chinese government orchestrated the release of this virus as an act of bio-warfare, with the intent of improving China’s financial standing in the world has been floated. But, that theory just can’t be proven, without credible witnesses from China coming forth to provide testimony. Either way, the results are basically the same.

Do They Have Worse?

The big question is what else is hiding in that lab and others? I understand the need for research into virology, so that medical science can develop the means of protecting us from these microscopic perils. Yet at the same time, the risk in such research is very real. We’ve already seen that.

But even if they don’t, there’s still a very real risk from such viruses. All viruses tend to mutate; that’s how we have so many strains of influenza. What if two or more different viruses in that lab manage to get mixed, either intentionally or by mistake and mutate into something that really does have an affinity for brain tissue? What would we end up with then?

Viruses that damage brain tissue don’t necessarily have to turn people into Hollywood-style zombies for them to become dangerous. All it must do is take away enough of their cognitive ability to make them reasonable people, while making them more violent. The resulting people would be close enough to the movie zombies to be very dangerous.

Keep in mind that viruses try to spread all on their own. We’ve seen that with COVID-19. So, it won’t take infected zombies biting victims to spread the disease. Rather, all it will take is them stumbling through the world, coughing, to spread the disease around. The virus itself will do the rest. Considering how quickly COVID-19 spread, the results could be devastating, especially when you consider that millions could be infected before we had any inkling that the virus was really the zombie virus.

Protecting Ourselves from the Zombie Virus

In this sense, the COVID-19 pandemic has been a very real training opportunity for all of us, preparing us for a much worse pandemic in the future. Whether the next pandemic ends up being the expected zombie apocalypse or not.

Fortunately, other than zombies biting us, the same precautions that we’ve been using through the COVID pandemic should help us make it through the Zombie pandemic as well. The only thing we might need to upgrade is our masks. The masks we’ve been using are really to protect us from spreading the virus when we exhale or cough; they don’t really do much to protect us from what we might be breathing in. That’s what social distancing is supposed to be for.

Changing our medical masks for gas masks with a bio-filter should provide the necessary protection against breathing in the zombie virus. The only problem is such filters are hard to come by. Even so, they can be produced. If we all have gas masks in our stockpile, all we’ll need to do is buy the filters. Seeing how quickly the government and industry got things moving to provide hand sanitizer, PPE and respirators for COVID, I have high hopes that they’ll be able to produce bio-filters when necessary.

But what about Protecting Ourselves from the Zombies Themselves?

This depends a lot on the zombies; specifically, how violent they become. I imagine that in most cases, any virus that would eat away at people’s brains would also tend to eliminate their ability for violence. But that’s not a sure thing. The possibility exists that anyone so affected by the zombies could become violent, even to the point of biting people.

So how will we deal with that; that’s going to be the question? Things will have to get pretty bad before the government declares open season on zombies, allowing us to kill them outright. So, our defense is going to have to be about protecting ourselves from attack, rather than using the adage of “the best defense is a good offense.”

More than anything, that will mean having our homes secure. Zombies breaking through doors and windows may make for good movies; but it’s not realistic. If people are in that bad a shape, they’re probably not going to have the strength and coordination to break through much of anything. If they do, it will be more of an accident, from them flailing around, than anything.

So, I wouldn’t retire your favorite zombie head basher yet; but I would take some time to reinforce your doors and windows. If you’ve done that and they still break through, the existing laws on self-defense will permit you to do what’s necessary.”

Yet another thing to prepare for!




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