The Death of Pentti Linkola By Brian Simpson

     The Right-wing environmentalist Pentti Linkola of Finland died on April 54, 2020. He expounded many things which we as a conservative Christian movement would disagree with, but what is interesting is that like his US counterpart, the late Garrett Hardin, he was strongly anti-immigration and anti-globalism. Unlike our Greenies, or most of them, he practiced what he preached, and worked tirelessly to save local forests which cannot be all bad, as this gives home to cuddly creatures, like grizzly bears, and nice doggies like European timber wolves. What is interesting about him is that he escaped the intellectual death sentence usually delivered to those who say what he said. Maybe even quoting things he said would be illegal here in Australia; I don’t know. In any case, the sheer guts and daring of the man probably made him the national treasure to otherwise pelvically politically correct Finland.  In Australia, a similar thinker would simply be destroyed by our thug class of self-righteous new class chatterers.

“It is not very difficult to understand why the Dissident Right appreciated Linkola. He criticized modernization, humanism, and globalism in a way that was charming even in its most extreme and provocative forms. Like many luminous figures of all eras, Linkola was a son of an impoverished upper-class family, and his hatred towards the vulgarity of the modern age stemmed from his family background. He was no politician and had no mass movement behind him, so he was immune to all forms of political correctness. Unlike most other thinkers of the Green Movement, he always recognized the ecologically and culturally disastrous effects of mass immigration. He said to the author Eero Alén: ”Helsinki has become a Negro city. Everywhere you go, you see Negroes. That kind of Helsinki is no true Helsinki for me.” Linkola did not consider the nation a value as such, but his thinking did have some nationalist elements. In his book Unelmat paremmasta maailmasta (Dreams of a Better World, 1971) he wrote:

“I think that a true brotherhood of men requires same kind of environment and conditions, and also some concord in view of life. A Swedish or Russian environmentalist is surely closer to me than a Finnish economist or engineer, but a Brazilian environmentalist would probably not be. A man who has never fought against snow and frost could hardly be truly close to me.” Linkola’s pessimistic and heroic attitude is also something that men of the Right understand instinctively. The Dissident Right is constantly looking for those who are pure in spirit and fight for their cause till the end even if it is hopelessly lost. Linkola thought that stopping the ecocatastrophe was extremely unlikely and that his own impact on the course of events was virtually nonexistent. Still, he never stopped fighting, because effort, even a futile one, makes life meaningful. Throwing in the towel is the deed of an honorless man. It is harder to grasp why the appreciation for Linkola was so wide in Finnish society. One often hears the sentence  “I appreciate Linkola because he practices what he preaches,” but I think that is a cliché. No one fully practices what he preaches, because life itself is a kind of compromise. Of course, one should avoid gross contradictions between words and deeds, but especially in the case of livelihood and survival, everyone makes exceptions. Linkola, who rejected most comforts of modern society, was probably more consistent than most of us. Certainly, he was more consistent than a typical Green Party parliamentarian who never leaves Helsinki except when he flies to an international climate congress. But like his friend and associate Eero Paloheimo  said, Linkola was not admired because of his consistency, but because he suffered. For Linkola, environmental disasters were not abstract administrative problems but personal catastrophes. He was a passionate biophile, for whom the frail bond between man and Earth was a deeply intimate and tragic thing. Unlike so many others, he refused to abandon his most genuine source of joy. This refusal led him to the fringes of society and made his life a one-man demonstration. It also made Linkola a more interesting figure than most of his admirers and enemies.”

“Most importantly, Linkola says what so many of us think in private moments. There are too many of us, and too many idiots. If we keep growing we’ll kill everything. People sacrifice nature for short-term profit. Because most voters are idiots, we cannot control this process. The instant we try something constructive, a corrupt person will buy a few hundred thousand dollars of TV time and use it to sway the masses of useful idiots to do his bidding. As a result, our current civilization is like a speeding car with no brakes. We’re out of control and cannot stop. As we accept this, day after day, it kills us a little inside. Linkola is the antidote who removes our false pretence and the emotional manipulation of our fellow citizens, giving us instead a clear path to victory that true, must rocket through taboo and the herd fear of a mass of humans whose average IQ is barely 100, but nonetheless can be achieved if cooler minds prevail — and are willing to as relentlessly manipulate the masses as their ideological opposites.”

     Ah, Brett, always the optimist! Still, I wish I was as smart as Brett. Perhaps if I had drunk less alcohol in my pitiful existence, things, neurologically would be different.

Postscript: it is a pity that Linkola did not wade into this problem eroding away the foundations of Finland, and the rest of the West:

“A Finnish court on Tuesday handed eight men who abused and raped the same girl in the Northern Finnish town of Oulu incredibly short sentences. The rapes occurred on several occasions when the girl was just 12 to 13 years old. The perpetrators had met the young girl on social media, coaxed her into meeting up, and then sexually assaulted her, Finnish news outlet Helsingin Sanomat reports. The heinous crimes committed against the little girl were mostly committed during the summer and autumn of 2018. Citizens of Oulu were shaken to their cores in late 2018 after the rapes were revealed to citizens. The eight men were all convicted of aggravated sexual abuse of a child, while some were also convicted of aggravated rape. Abdo Ibrahim Ahmed, 34, was sentenced to four years and two months. Hassan Mohamud Mohamed, 39, was sentenced to 4.5 years in prison. Quassar Mohsin Sbahi Aldhulaie, 27, was sentenced to four years in prison. Rahmani Gheibai, 22, was sentenced to four years. Ali Osman Mohamed, 27, was sentenced to four years. Osman Ahmed Mohamed Human, 24, was sentenced to three years. Shiraqa Yosef, 21, was sentenced to two years. Javad Mirzad, 30, was sentenced to three years and four months. Not all the perpetrators knew each other. At the beginning of 2019, Helsingin Sanomat reported that the town atmosphere had become tense in the wake of the news, while another report claimed that “immigrants had disappeared from the street scene and parents were on their toes for deeds.”

     Maybe Linkola is right, hoping for an ecological apocalypse to end all of this. No, the economic one will be more than enough. It will be imposed upon we, the long suffering deplorables.



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