The Dangerous Wokeism of the Beijing Biden Regime By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Beijing Biden regime is undertaking what has been called a “cold civil war” against its political opponents. In reality it does not need to do this to maintain power as white conservatives, the most passive group in all human history, made soft by consumer affluence, pose no real threat yet, as we saw from the stolen election. If the deplorables let that go, they will take almost everything, including gun rights, as seen in Australia.  Yet, maybe that is why the Democrats are zeroing in for the kill now, just as at present all the New World Order agendas are in over-drive. Following the lockdowns and the stolen election, the elites now are confident about being able to achieve 2,000 percent of their original program. I imagine they sit in lush board rooms, dreaming up additional things to do since beating the masses has been easier than injecting a baby with a Covid vax. All the candy has been stolen long ago.

“Amidst the exploding concern over President Biden’s woke Pentagon subverting and weakening America’s military, the only conservative member of the newly formed Countering Extremism Working Group (CEWG), is sounding the alarm about the Pentagon’s dangerous full embrace of “wokeism.”

He calls it part of America’s new ‘cold civil war.’

In doing so, Mike Berry, an attorney and Marine Reserve officer, is risking his position in the CEWG and possibly his career in the Marines Reserves.

In a June 19 OPED in the Washington Examiner, Berry writes:

For starters, President Joe Biden recently declared that white supremacy poses the greatest threat to America’s national security. The Pentagon is taking the commander in chief at his word. Instead of monitoring external threats, the Pentagon is on a mission to identify and remove whomever it labels as extremists from America’s armed forces. Ironically, the CEWG has yet to define what it means by “extremism.”

Extremism is usually defined as the threat or use of violence to achieve an ideological agenda. But the Pentagon is now poised to expand upon that definition to include constitutionally protected speech. In other words, sticks and stones may break our bones, but words are the biggest threat.

This should be alarming to everyone, no matter their political persuasion. If the Constitution no longer presents an impediment to appeasing the woke commissars on the far Left, it won’t be long before speech that has always been protected by the First Amendment suddenly becomes criminal. My law firm, First Liberty Institute, is already seeing some disturbing signs.

Berry continues with worrisome examples:

An Army chaplain used his personal social media account to express support for then-existing policy banning those who identify as transgender from serving in the military. The Army relieved him of duty and accused him of “illegal discrimination.”

That’s right, the American government now monitors social media activity in order to ensure service members don’t post, share, or like something “extreme.” If this sounds eerily familiar, it’s because 
China has been doing it for years. 

Meanwhile, service members publicly protested that same [Trump-era] policy, in uniform [in 2019 when it was the law], and nothing happened. If the CEWG does not adequately account for service members’ constitutional rights, we can expect many more struggle sessions to follow.

While ‘wokeism’ in the Pentagon has dangerously mushroomed under Biden, this isn’t a new problem. Berry notes in the Examiner:

Several years ago, the Department of Defense produced a document that labeled those who believe in “states’ rights, individual liberties, and how to make the world a better place” as potential extremists. Apparently, I was mistaken for thinking those were the things I was defending as a Marine. And despite data showing that religious people are the most likely to serve, we are now declaring them undesirable extremists.

All of this is a recipe for disaster. America has real enemies who seek to harm us, and those enemies are likely giddy with every woke pronouncement that America will continue to pour yet more valuable time, energy, and resources into its cold civil war.”

“On Wednesday, President Joe Biden and Attorney General Merrick Garland held a joint news conference to discuss the administration’s initiatives to address the surging crime rates in Democrat-run cities.

Ignoring the obvious reason for the sharp rise in crime — the “defund the police” movement that spread throughout the country in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death — the two insisted it is the flow of illegal firearms into the cities that’s responsible for the spike.

To that end, the Department of Justice announced in a Tuesday news release it will be establishing “five cross-jurisdictional firearms trafficking strike forces” so it can “crack down on sources of crime guns.” These task forces will be operational within the next 30 days.

Administration officials believe “stemming the supply of illegally trafficked firearms” will result in a reduction of the crime rate.

“Our firearms trafficking strike forces will investigate and disrupt the networks that channel crime guns into our communities with tragic consequences. This effort reflects our shared commitment to keep communities safe,” Garland said in the release.

According to the DOJ, “the five strike forces will focus on significant firearms trafficking corridors that channel guns into New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, the San Francisco Bay Area and Washington, D.C. They will be led by designated U.S. Attorneys who will coordinate with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) and with state and local law enforcement partners in places where firearms originate and where they are used to commit crimes.”

Watch yet another libtard policy fail.



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