The Cultural War Against Men by Mrs Vera West

Apart from race issues, the elites continue to press on with an assault upon men, and primarily white men. This is seen across the West and in many areas some clearly important, others of lesser importance.

In the EU Commission, the Commission’s budget and human resources chief, Kristalina Georgieva, said that if job targets for women were not met, then she would freeze job offers for men. If targets are not reached then sanctions will be imposed; “Sanctions are Coming’ European Union Bureaucrat Threatens to Freeze Job Offers for Men”.

Clearly it is time for the EU to be dissolved.

Over in the United States things are getting even more crazier than we have anticipated. California, the nirvana of political correctness, now has law SB697, “Yes Means Yes,” campus sex law. According to one of its supporters, Ezra Klein, writing at, October 13, 2014, the law on consent would make “rapists” out of a male student who with his girlfriend slipped naturally from cuddling to sex, without an explicit verbal “yes.” Klein thinks that “men need to feel a cold spike of fear when they begin a sexual encounter.” Now that sounds healthy and fair, doesn’t it?

Klein was taken to task by Charles Cooke, writing at the National, October 14, 2014 for his acceptance of the jettisoning of due process for those accused of rape and the acceptance of a law “throwing everyday sexual practice into doubt and creating a haze of fear and confusion over what counts as consent.”

Since that time campuses have worked on other strategies to micromanage behaviour. The problem here is that this is a testing ground for the application of such laws to the wider society and an outline of the shape of things to come under the tyranny of the progressives. Imagine, just imagine if you can, what Hillary Clinton has in store.



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