The Covid Rock Concert By Chris Knight (Florida)

I remember the Live Aid concerts and the moral posturing made by the celebrities, but that has nothing on the bs that recently occurred, Vax Live. There was Beijing Biden (in a video) singing about how safe the vaccine is, various rock stars if that is what they still call them, preaching to the converted, the Church of Covid. Even Prince Hairy was there, his wife let him, and no doubt encouraged him. Good for her. But, in my opinion, it is enough to make one very ill, just reading about it. I have come to see popular music as itself a kind of virus of the mind, dangerous and toxic. And mix that with the elites and one has the ultimate existential nausea.

While the Chinese lab hypothesis is supported at this blog, championed by Brian Simpson, I wonder, given that the Western elites have made so much of the Covid plandemic. My guess, is that they are all in on it.

“President Joe Biden spoke about the COVID-19 vaccination being safe, Prince Harry advocated for vaccine distribution everywhere and Jennifer Lopez embraced her fully-vaccinated mother on stage during one of the largest concert gatherings in Southern California since the pandemic rocked the world more than a year ago.

Celebrities and political leaders gathered Sunday night to talk about the importance of vaccine equity at Global Citizen’s “Vax Live: The Concert to Reunite the World” at SoFi Stadium in Inglewood, California. The taped fundraising event will air May 8 on ABC, ABC News Live, CBS, YouTube and iHeartMedia broadcast radio stations.

The concert included performances by Lopez, Eddie Vedder, Foo Fighters, J Balvin and H.E.R.

Ben Affleck, Chrissy Teigen, Jimmy Kimmel, Sean Penn and David Letterman appeared as special guest speakers.

Everyone in the audience was fully vaccinated. Media and production staff needed to show a negative COVID-19 test before entering the stadium.

“The vaccines are safe. I promise you. They work,” said Biden, who was accompanied in a video message with first lady Jill Biden. Both appeared as part of the “We Can Do This” initiative to increase confidence in COVID-19 vaccines.

“We’re working with leaders around the world to share more vaccines and boost production to make sure every country has the vaccines they need,” the president continued. “If we get this done, we won’t have to miss another moment.”

“The vaccine must be distributed to everyone everywhere,” the Duke of Sussex said. He along with his wife Meghan are leading an effort to raise money for the vaccine-sharing program COVAX, which hopes to produce $19 billion to pay for the vaccines for medical workers.

“We cannot rest or truly recover until there is fair distribution to every corner of the world,” he said. “The virus does not respect borders and access to the vaccine cannot be determined by geography.”

The event also highlighted first responders and health care workers efforts during the pandemic. Host Selena Gomez called essential and frontline workers “reliable” and “brave.”

“Many of us had to stay home, but you all didn’t have a choice,” the singer said. “You set an example for all of us, both in how you stayed on the job and that we need to get vaccinated as soon as possible.”

Each musical performance made things seem almost like normal with attendees standing at their seats side-by-side while others danced with their masks on. Some hugged each other with enthusiasm.

H.E.R. performed on a small stage outside the stadium with a group of people playing guitars.

Before Lopez’s performance, she told the audience that she was unable to spend Christmas with her mother. The singer went on to invite her fully-vaccinated mom on stage, then the two sang their rendition of Neil Diamond’s “Sweet Caroline.”

“When I was thinking about what song to sing tonight, I remembered the song she used to sing to me as a baby,” said Lopez, who later performed her 2016 hit single “Ain’t Your Mama.”

Eddie Vedder said the concert was the first “taste of the life we’ve all been missing” for more than a year.

“This is a feeling we have not had in some time,” he said. “There’s a microphone, a crowd. It feels good.”

Foo Fighters rocked on with AC/DC frontman Brian Johnson during a performance of the rock anthem “Back in Black.”

Perhaps they need to do this since the government is running out of subjects eager to get vaccinated.

“The U.S. is about to run out of adults who are ready and willing to get vaccinated against COVID-19, according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll.

The survey of 1,558 Americans 18 or older, which was conducted from April 27 to April 29, found that while the number who say they have already been vaccinated (57 percent) has continued to climb in recent weeks, just 6 percent now say they have not yet been vaccinated but plan to get a shot “as soon as it is available to me.”

That’s down from 35 percent in February and 17 percent earlier in April.

At the same time, the share of adults who say they are unsure (7 percent), are waiting to see “what happens to others before deciding” (10 percent) or will “never” get vaccinated (20 percent) has not budged.

The implication is stark: Unless many of the unvaccinated Americans who have been saying for months that they’re waiting or unsure have a sudden change of heart, fewer than 65 percent of U.S. adults are likely to be inoculated against COVID-19 this spring — far short of the level experts say is required for the kind of lasting population-wide protection known as herd immunity.

Reaching that threshold — the point when an estimated 80 percent of all Americans regardless of age have been vaccinated and the coronavirus runs out of potential hosts — would then require an additional 96 million U.S. residents to be vaccinated, a process that could presumably begin when regulators approve the COVID vaccines for use in children.

The only problem? There are just 73 million minors in the entire country, and nowhere near all of them will be vaccinated.

Herd immunity through vaccination, in other words, seems almost certain to elude the U.S. — an outcome that has become increasingly plausible in recent weeks as vaccine supply outstrips demand and the average number of daily doses administered starts to slip.”



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