The Climate Change Fixation: George Christensen’s Response By James Reed

Before the Covid plandemic, and now after it, there was climate change alarmism, the idea that humans are set to cause something of a climate change apocalypse, leading to a great die of both humans and nature. Some environmentalists argue that biodiversity loss data, as controversial as it all is, indicates that something they call a “sixth extinction” is occurring now, and that the loss of non-human species is an indication that humans are on the Grim Reaper of Climate’s list too. The globalist elite of the UN and World Economic forum promote these ideas, and their “solutions” of ending fossil fuels, and conventional agriculture and farming.


Now, if one is a young person in school being told all of this by eager Left-wing teachers, it would be frightening indeed, and that is why psychologists are now dealing with a new money-making disorder of eco-anxiety, or more commonly, climate change anxiety. One could get anxious about real environmental issues such as soil erosion and invasive species challenging farming, but outside of the farming community, the young are not anxious about this, only “fear porn” delivered by the mainstream and social media. Thus, the question must be asked, reflecting upon this deeply concerning situation: why do the globalist elite champion the climate change alarmist position? What is in it for them?


George Christensen has given his usual thoughtful response to another concerning question. He argues that the globalists by diverting people’s attention and energy away from real environmental issues such as microplastics pollution, persistent organic pollutants, chemicals that are lowering human sperm quality and quantity, they are giving a cover for themselves. Many of real environmental pollution problems are a spin-off of mega-corporations pushing unsafe products. Concern with this is a challenge to their activities, while climate change can be made a problem for everyone. Agreed.


But I think while this is correct, climate change as an issue allows the globalists to attack fundamental democratic and liberal values in the name of saving the planet, just as basic liberties were steam-rolled during Covid. This pushes the line closer to their communist New World Order. Climate change is a very useful tool, but it need not have been global warming. If there was the data to corrupt, global cooling could have been used just as well, if not better.

“It seems like almost every day that we hear some new scary-mongering headlines about ‘climate change’ from the legacy media.

Basically, name any problem or issue plaguing the world today and I can bet there is some article out there linking or blaming it on ‘climate change.’

Let’s not forget those frequent headlines about the world ending as we know it by the year 2000 unless we do something about ‘climate change.’

And when that date finally came and nothing happened, they just moved the deadline to some future date, saying their original calculations were off.

How very convenient. Or maybe not.

Remember when the Pentagon told the Bush Administration that the United Kingdom would be suffering Siberian winter-like conditions, that much of Europe would be plunged under water and that conflict would ensue?

Well, it is already 2020, and last time I checked, even beaches in Europe aren’t inundated.

Also, it is a bit of an irony that the biggest conflict that has emerged between European states so far is between two nations (Ukraine and Russia) that could benefit from a warmer climate.

But it does beg the question, why are elites so intent on propagating about ‘climate change.’

What is the actual purpose behind this psy-op that they remain so committed to it?

As an aside, I have been fighting against the charade of ‘climate change’ since I began my political career.

I railed against the claim that man was responsible for catastrophic global warming in my maiden speech and even likened the entire claim to a bad science fiction movie, much to annoyance of the legacy media and leftist politicians.

Speaking of my time in politics, I observed first-hand how the less-than-honest politicians at the top (along with the fake news legacy media) diverted people’s attention away from genuine concerns plaguing our society.

Their playbook was simple: create a lot of noise about a made-up issue that can relate to the concerns people are protesting about.

Do it consistently and you will soon have these people becoming focused on that made-up issue and away from the original cause they were fighting for.

In respect to so-called ‘climate change,’ the ‘elites’ want you to remain fixated on this fake issue so that real environmental concerns are sidelined.

What real environmental concerns?

How about micro-plastic pollution?

Micro-plastics are everywhere, even in our rainwater.

Then there’s massive deforestation in the third world as multinational corporations bribe governments to give them access to the country’s natural resources for cheap.

There’s mass run-off of pollutants into the oceans and rivers, causing ‘dead zones’ to form.

And there’s the collapse of pollinating insects due to heavy use of pesticides and planting of GMO crops.

If ordinary people start paying more attention to these issues and started protesting, it would hurt the bottom line of elite-owned multinational corporations.

After all, their corner-cutting and their fixation with the highest profit margins (at all costs) is behind most of the real environmental crises.

But with ‘climate change’, the blame is shifted to ordinary people, like you and me.

You drive a car? You are bad for environment!

You eat meat? You are bad for environment!

You have children or want to have children? You are bad for environment!

This utter nonsense is pushed on us by those who are actually responsible for laying waste to our natural heritage.

It even allows the elites to create excuses for what actually is environmental destruction because they can spin it off as fighting ‘climate change.’

Like when Bill Gates claimed chopping down 70 million acres of trees was really just to save the planet!

It kind of also reminds me of the whole recycling scam; telling people to sort their trash in different coloured bins and fining them if they don’t.

In many instances, the ‘recyclables’ were actually shipped off to some third-world country to be buried in a landfill or dumped into the ocean.

It is high time we do away with this ‘elite’-manufactured nonsense of ‘climate change’ and focus our efforts on real environmental issues.”






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