The Climate Alarm Election By Viv Forbes

     The ALP-Greens-ABC alliance ran hard in Australia’s recent climate alarm election - they lost.

     So let us see no more anti-coal caravans, hear no more climate propaganda and replace Pied Piper Processions with hard science education. The new government must also stop blatant promotion of green energy with targets, subsidies and carbon taxes, and focus on infrastructure catch-up.

     Forecasts of doom are frequent, and they fail just as frequently.

     Climate is always changing. Global cooling always follows global warming. Government policies that assume continuous global warming expose our society and economy to huge risks for no measurable benefits when that forecast proves disastrously wrong.

     We need more emphasis on reliable base-load coal power, increased water storage and weather-proofed roads and rail.

     We must also exit from the UN Paris and Kyoto “agreements”, and emphasise logic, maths and science in education.


All Blog Posts Authorised by K. W. Grundy
13 Carsten Court, Happy Valley, SA.



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