Andrew Bolt's Blog:  "This is a political disaster. True, the buck should stop with the Australian Bureau of Statistics, and the Turnbull Government is not directly involved in the managed of this. Yet it will wear the political responsibility, and the price will be high."

Seems to me there are just too many bureaucrats running these systems.  Lots of theories but not much practical experience.

Reminds me of C.H. Douglas's comments on the International Bankers who think they can run the whole world:
Just because they deal in huge numbers within the banking system - they think they have the expertise to direct and run the whole world's other systems.

Reminds me of the joke about God giving this fellow permission to run the natural world for a year.  The fellow got everything right - except accounting for the wind.

Without the wind blowing the pollen and pollinating the flowers the trees did not bear fruit.  And guess what - no food to eat!

Your weekly dose of common sense from Senator Cory Bernardi

Census night was a debacle
...the confected outrage of a few camera-chasing politicians rings as hollow as their commitment to the concept of freedom of speech.

It’s no coincidence that those politicians who won’t put their names on their census forms don’t want you to have your say on much more important matters for fear of causing offence.


Alan Jones interviews Malcolm Turnbull:




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