The Ban on Dancing; Covid Craziness By Mrs Vera West

The US District of Columbia has permitted weddings, but banned dancing because strict social distancing must be applied at all times. I guess the bride and groom will not even be able to give the traditional kiss, let alone …eh …consummate the wedding! This has nothing much to do with scientific epidemiology, since if the disease was that infectious, the gathering itself would be problematic, as would people even going to supermarkets. Mass starvation would be the order of the day. It has everything to do with Skinnerian rat behaviour modification. The quest is to be able to do anything at all with a population of white mice, by applying the right electric shocks, Clockwork   style.

“The District of Columbia announced weddings could be held with up to 250 guests in attendance, but attendees can’t dance.

“Attendees and guests must remain seated and socially distanced from each other or other household groups,” the order passed by Mayor Muriel Bowser stated. The ban on dancing at all weddings, indoor and outdoor, began Saturday.

DC bans dancing at indoor and outdoor wedding receptions starting May 1 via @WUSA9

— Bruce Leshan (@BruceLeshan) April 29, 2021


“Standing and dancing receptions are not allowed,” according to the latest order.

“There’s hardly been any time to react, rather than being incredibly frustrated and angry with Washington D.C. and Mayor Bowser for completely blindsiding us,” event planner Stephanie Sadowski told WUSA9

“I cannot even believe we’re in 2021 right now, and we are saying no dancing,” she added, the outlet reported. “Why can’t we just have masks?”

That’s a good question. Masks are supposed to work to keep the virus from spreading, and socially distancing is also supposed to reduce the spread. I get that, but it feels like you could wear a mask, socially distance and still be able to dance.

This sounds like a scene straight out of “Footloose.” For anyone who thought coronavirus restrictions would ease up in 2021 as people got vaccinated, here we are. No dancing in D.C.”

When Washington DC is a state, I Imagine that at present unimaginable woke social experiments will be conducted. Hopefully decent people will leave this cesspool in Biblical droves.



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