The Amazing, Incredible, Adventures of Joe Biden’s Brain! By Charles Taylor

At the "Big Boy" press conference where Joe Biden was to show the world that there was nothing wrong with his brain, he led with this opening: "I wouldn't have picked Vice President Trump to be vice president, though I think she was not qualified to be president." Here he confused his political opponent with his vice president. I am sure it happens all the time:

Then, to outdo this fluff-up in the senility stakes, Biden called his vice president, Kamala Harris, Vice President Trump. It must be confusing keeping up with all of these names: Then he called Ukraine's President Zelensky, "President Putin"!

But the most embarrassing of all is what Biden said to the head of NATO about the NATO chief's wife wife, which we do not repeat, being a family-friendly site, but is politically relevant, as these crazy people have access to the nukes: Of course there is controversy about this, but one can listen to the audio on the video and see:

It has been common for both the Left and Right to say that Biden is suffering from Parkinson's Disease, and/or Alzheimer's, and there have been psychiatrists giving opinions on this, without clinically reviewing Biden, so it is hearsay. But Dr Peter McCullough is of the opinion that "The Parkinson's Foundation indicates that 20-50% of Parkinson's patients experience some mild cognitive decline, but not dementia. Alzheimer's disease doesn't usually affect a patient's motor function until the later stages of the disease."

Dr McCullough believes that the better explanation is that Biden is suffering from Covid vax neurodegenerative syndrome. Biden has had six Covid jabs, so there are plenty of spike protein floating around in his brain. You can bet the family sheep farm, that the truth about this will never get out.

Actor George Clooney, and other Hollywood A-listers helped Biden raise $28 million at a Los Angeles fundraiser last month, but now is calling for Biden to step down. How did he and the other chattering class get this so wrong, as not much has happened to Joe Biden's brain in a month, except public exposure? 



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