Testosterone and the Fate of Civilisations By Mrs Vera West

      I have mentioned this book before, but have now finished it, looking at the Kindle version, which is much cheaper than paper: Roy Barzilai, The Testosterone Hypothesis: How Hormones Regulate the Life Cycles of Civilizations:

     The book deals with themes dear to my heart, such as that Western Christian civilisation is collapsing all around us, yet little is being done to halt the decline. Sure, there are some dedicated people, but we are talking about the uprising of millions of people.

     Barzilai shows that drive and aggressiveness in both men and women is primarily caused by the hormone testosterone, but that hormone now is in free fall. Many statistics are quoted, but the story is grim throughout the world, not only the West, with free testosterone rates falling by as much as 50 percent in recent decades. 

   The book examines many theories of the fall, from diet, to polluted environments, to a general decline in health and exercise, and concludes that the full evidence is not yet in. However, the evidence linking the rise and maintenance of civilisations with the manly drives of testosterone are clear, and it is just as clear that the decline in this hormone corresponds perfectly with the rise of philosophies of leftism and political correctness, which are anti-West, and lacking in traditional manliness. Indeed, as I have documented over the years, traditional manhood is the one common enemy of all the Left, libtard and antifa ideologies.

     All of this is grim, and if we cannot return to the testosterone mindset, Western civilisation is doomed, Barzilai argues. Unfortunately, after giving us all we need to know about hormones and how they create the drive to build civilisations, we are not told how to regain manhood. Thus, the last chapter of the book left me disappointed, although the rest of the book confirmed all that I have written on this topic. This topic has been discussed at many sites, but there is still no comprehensive plan about what to do. Hormone-disrupting chemicals in the water and the environment are particularly disturbing.

     If Western civilisation collapses, then those who survive will have higher testosterone, beyond the mere “lucky,” so I suppose natural selection will have the ultimate answer.



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