Tay Tay is Glad, Glad, Glad To be “Jumping on the Queer Bandwagon” By Mrs Vera West

     It did not take too much time for pop icon Taylor Swift to come out, so to speak, and advance one of more globalist agenda. I thought that she may have gone the way of Mylie Cyrus doing the sex stuff, nudity and all that, but no, she is taking the political road, following the LGBTQ +(did I get all of the letters right?) road:

“Have you seen the new Taylor Swift video? She takes a bold, courageous stance in favor of LGBT rights, and against the drooling mobs of orthographically challenged Red State bigots. Taylor and her cool LGBT friends have taken over a trailer park— get it! Ha ha! See, according to leading pop star Taylor Swift (estimated net worth: $320 million), redneck white people are not only anti-gay, but their religion is stupid, and they can’t spell. Oh, my ribs hurt from laughing, I tell you what. But seriously: this is what you call “punching down.” There is no easier target in the world for a pop star worth $320 million than anti-gay working-class and rural white Christians. I imagine Taylor Swift thinks herself brave. In today’s New York Post, David Harsanyi writes about Fall, a new sci-fi novel that envisions a future United States split between the violent, gun-toting, uneducated, cross-burning religious fanatics of bullet-ridden “Ameristan” and the peaceful, educated, secular denizens of the nation’s Blue enclaves, where decorum and truth always prevail.

Harsanyi mentions a much-discussed new study, called “The Perception Gap,” that discusses the difference between what Americans believe, and what those unlike them think they believe. Interestingly, the segment of the US population that is most accurate at assessing the views of other Americans are the “politically disengaged” — those who don’t judge their neighbors through politically motivated reasoning. (Harsanyi notes that the study assumes that liberal positions are mainstream.) Harsanyi points out that contrary to the view put forth by Stephenson in his novel (i.e., that educated liberals understand conservatives well), the study finds that the more educated progressives become, the less accurate is their understanding of conservatives. Harsanyi:

“This effect is so strong,” the study’s authors note, “that Democrats without a high-school ¬diploma are three times more accurate than those with a postgraduate degree.” This trend is less surprising when we learn that the more educated Democrats are, the less likely they are to be friendly with anyone who doesn’t share their worldview. Those with a postgraduate degree, in fact, are 50% more likely to say that “almost all” of their friends share their views than Americans with only a high school diploma. There’s nothing inherently wrong with associating with people who see the world as they do — we have plenty of room in the United States, after all. The problem is that, despite their close-mindedness, these elites are the ones who become the technocrats who write our policies, the politicians who govern us, the teachers who claim to educate us and the activists who attempt to coerce us to adopt their values. It is the educated elite, people clustered in centers and industries of power — not the populist voters scattered across the country — who are driving our polarization.

It isn’t merely about a disparity in perception, as the study notes, but a fundamental ignorance about the religious and philosophical viewpoints of social conservatives and working-class Americans. This condescension is palpable in the often-oblivious media coverage of Red America, which oscillates in tone from zoological study to outright mockery. Read the whole thing. Especially you, filthy rich Miss Taylor Swift. It is not unheard of in history for a self-isolated elite to fail to understand the polity in which they live, and to provoke a reaction that destroys them, or at least destroys their power structures. The historian Barbara Tuchman, in her pop history book The March of Folly, said that these aspects recur in elites who don’t understand how vulnerable they are:

1.    Obliviousness to the growing disaffection of those outside their bubble
2.    Primacy of self-aggrandizement.
3.    The illusion that they are invulnerable.”

     This is the big problem for them: they are not invulnerable, but totally dependent upon the system, for food and protection. Thus, the likes of Swift would be incapable of defending herself, on her own, being little more than a human canary, but like all the stars have body guards, and like all the stars is anti-gun. One rule for me; another for thee-deplorables, is their motto:

     It is not ok to discriminate, yet her music video vilifies the deplorables, portrayed as trailer trash, as these people don’t buy her cacophonies.  But, deplorables need to watch it.

     The new pro LG… etc song has been criticised for jumping on the LG … etc. bandwagon now it is safe to do so, which is fair enough, given the amount of money invested in the pc canary. But one of the problems of waiting to be safe is that time moves on and her audience for her stupid tunes is getting less interested in LGB etc issues:

“Young people are growing less tolerant of LGBTQ individuals, a jarring turn for a generation traditionally considered embracing and open, a survey released Monday shows. The number of Americans 18 to 34 who are comfortable interacting with LGBTQ people slipped from 53% in 2017 to 45% in 2018 – the only age group to show a decline, according to the annual Accelerating Acceptance report. And that is down from 63% in 2016. Driving the dilution of acceptance are young women whose overall comfort levels plunged from 64% in 2017 to 52% in 2018, says the survey conducted by The Harris Poll on behalf of LGBTQ advocacy group GLAAD. “We count on the narrative that young people are more progressive and tolerant,” John Gerzema, CEO of The Harris Poll, told USA TODAY. “These numbers are very alarming and signal a looming social crisis in discrimination.”

Among the findings:

• 36% of young people said they were uncomfortable learning a family member was LGBTQ, compared with 29% in 2017.
• 34% were uncomfortable learning their doctor was LGBTQ vs. 27% a year earlier.
• 39% were uncomfortable learning their child had a school lesson on LGBTQ history vs. 30% in 2017.

Tolerance takes a hit: Americans less accepting of LGBT people in 2017
The negative shift for the young is surprising, said Sarah Kate Ellis, GLAAD president and CEO. When GLAAD delved into the numbers, the group found that the younger generation was coming in contact with more LBGTQ people, particularly individuals who are non-binary and don’t identify simply as lesbian or gay. “This newness they are experiencing could be leading to this erosion. It’s a newness that takes time for people to understand. Our job is to educate about non-conformity,” she said.

'Toxic culture' 50 years after Stonewall
The survey results come during Pride 2019 and on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots, which sparked the LGBTQ rights movement. They also land at a dark hour politically and culturally for the LGBTQ  community amid a rise in inflammatory rhetoric and dozens of policy setbacks, such as a ban on transgender people in the military and religious exemption laws that can lead to discrimination, Ellis and Gerzema said. Both are a likely force behind the young's pushback on tolerance, they said.”

     Well, the times are always changing, the man sang, didn’t he? The parable of the scorpion and the fox is relevant; this version actually comes from Star Trek, but is superbly acted, first class:



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