Syria Update

     Very good developments in Syria prove that there is nothing like a good slap to bring an arrogant bitch to her senses. The slap was delivered by the Turks; the Kurd militias came to their senses in no time at all. They understood that Bashar al Assad is no butcher, but their legitimate ruler and protector, and ran to Damascus for protection. They were offered it time and again, but they arrogantly and stubbornly refused. Until now, when the US troops departed, and the Turkish troops rolled in. Still, they are (wayward) children of Mother Syria, and Assad promptly accepted their plea. He is not a malicious guy, and ready to forgive and forget. The banner of Syrian Arab Republic came up to fly over northern towns of East Syria; Syrian army began its deployment taking over the American bases. President Trump was as good as his word: he continued withdrawal of his troops from the area, giving a chance for the Syrians to regain peace on their land. Things still can go wrong; it is not clear how the Turks will react to this development. Their first wish – elimination of semi-independent Kurdish terrorist entity – had been already achieved. Assad would never allow Kurds to mount cross-border raids into Turkey. But Erdogan allies, the Syrian anti-Assad militants, could become difficult. Russian Air Force provides some possible answers. Russian diplomacy has a difficult but not impossible task. Even more reason for cautious optimism!



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