Suddenly it is So SAD (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome) By James Reed

Nice piece by a young writer, Lincoln Brown, a theology student at Tabor College, Adelaide, and a research assistant, who uses cool common sense to take apart the latest bit of Covid smoke screen, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS). This is a highly suspicious “disease” even from its description: young, otherwise fit people under 40-years suddenly have cardiac events, and drop dead, with no explanation at all. Just like black magic. No, the most plausible explanation is that it is the vaxxes, but the medical establishment, in the pocket of Big PHARMa would rather eat a syringe, than admit this.

“Here’s a thought: could the deaths, due to heart problems, of otherwise healthy young adults have anything to do with the Covid “vaccines” that were deployed on the population? Or are we simply not allowed to ask?

You know, the “vaccines” that are not traditional vaccines but treatments that utilize novel mRNA or viral vector technology, which had no long-term safety data whatsoever before their mass deployment on human beings.

The vaccines that have been linked to over 1200 deaths during a three-month trial period conducted by Pfizer from December 2020 through February 2021, as disclosed in confidential documents revealed via a court order (which Pfizer sought to suppress for 75 years, a request denied by the judge).

The vaccines that are known to cause cardiac problems such as myocarditis and pericarditis, along with a range of other health issues including neurological disorders and sometimes death.


The vaccines that Australian healthcare professionals were forbidden by AHPRA from criticizing or undermining in any way lest they lose their medical licenses.

The vaccines that were mandated to people en masse despite the minuscule risk posed by the disease they were supposed to inoculate against – not just once but up to three or four times, and that medical professionals such as the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology himself, Dr Robert Malone, and eminent cardiologist Dr Peter McCullough, warned people against taking.

Is it possible that these injections might have something to do with the sudden spike in young adult deaths? As Rebecca Weiser recently wrote for The Spectator Australia, there is a dramatic increase in overall deaths in the Australian population over the past year, and it isn’t explainable by pithily saying it’s “because of Covid.”

If we were going about this objectively and scientifically, this would certainly be a question that would require serious consideration, even if it were only to rule out that possibility. However, this obvious possibility isn’t being explored by our health and scientific authorities such as the TGA or by the mainstream media which, let’s be honest, have financial and reputational interests in sweeping any possible connection between Covid injections and excess death rates under the rug.

Instead, we are being told to accept the existence of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome and to not even think about the obvious connection between injections that are proven to cause heart damage and people suddenly dying of heart conditions. After all, no one wants to be called a conspiracy theorist or an anti-vaxxer.

The Health Desk article mentioned above anticipates the questions of the “conspiracy theorists” and explains:

Vaccines have not been associated or linked to sudden death in adults or children in general. Myocarditis, inflammation of the heart muscle, has been associated in extremely rare cases following some vaccination efforts but cardiac issues following a COVID-19 diagnosis are common.

The incidence of COVID-19 in communities is closely linked with higher numbers of sudden cardiac arrest incidence and lower survival rates. In fact, the Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndromes Foundation recommends that all SADS patients receive a COVID-19 vaccination.

If this is meant to inspire confidence in the Covid vaccines, it does a poor job. Presumably, a “SADS patient” is someone who’s already died, so why they would need to get vaccinated is unclear. Perhaps the enlightened “fact-checkers” can explain that.”

Points all well made. I like how the SADS foundation recommends how all SADS patients be vaxxed, when, as Brown points out, there are no patients as the condition refers to people who have died. Maybe the next step will be to vaccinate corpes! With all the surplus vaccines, and the fact the only purpose of existence of society now is to serve big Pharma, why not?


Check out the website of Caldron Pool,, which has some very fine Christian conservative writing. There is a donation page, and it would be nice if some $ can be sent their way. Check out this article for example:


It is enough to bring tears to my old dry eyes.




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