Sudden Death of Doctors By Chris Knight (Florida)

Not only are athletes falling with heart issues, and dying, but doctors as well. The main documentation of this comes from Canada, where 93 doctors have died recently. These were some of the first to get the Covid shots, being required, as medical professionals to conform, but most would have anyway, given their faith in the great secular god, Big Pharma.


Ninety-three doctors have now recently fallen victim to sudden death in Canada — in which all of them occurred after the introduction of the Covid-19 injection.

“This is not just unusual. This is unheard of,” noted renowned health researcher Dr. Paul Alexander while speaking to Canadian physician and cancer researcher Dr. William Makis.

So why is it doctors who seem to be most affected?

“Initially, there seemed to be a tremendous pressure for doctors to take the COVID vaccines,” explained Makis (earlier in the interview).

“Initially, there seemed to be a tremendous pressure for doctors to take the COVID vaccines,” explained Makis (earlier in the interview).

They were the first ones in line to take the COVID vaccines. They were also the first ones in line to take the booster shots. And then, of course, in late 2021, we had these very unethical vaccine mandates that were put on all the healthcare workers in Canada, across Canada. There was not a single province that stood up against the vaccine mandates. All the health leaders in every single province aggressively pushed COVID vaccine mandates on all their healthcare workers.

“And most doctors by now have had four COVID shots — some have even had five,” disclosed Makis when speaking to Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson on November 18.



So, when did this accelerate?

Dr. Makis told Alexander that the sirens went off after the first booster rollout:

I started noticing the doctors dying after the booster shot because some of those deaths occurred right after the booster shots were rolled out. We had some very high-profile sudden deaths. And then that just seemed to accelerate.

This summer, we had the second booster rolled out, so the fourth shot. And then we saw a big cluster of deaths in July of 2022 — doctors dying left and right. And even McMaster University (in Hamilton, Ontario) came out and admitted that they lost three of their young residents, medical residents this summer — died at age 25, 27, and 32.

And so, I kept track of all of these sudden deaths. And it's now at 93 — 93 sudden deaths of actively practicing Canadian doctors who didn't have any obvious prior conditions prior to the vaccine rollout. And this is since the vaccine rollout; 93 sudden deaths and Canadian doctors.

And so, Dr. Makis did some digging.

He collaborated with a group of people to put together a database, in which they discovered around 1900 doctor deaths of all causes over the past four years using the Canadian Medical Association’s website, royal college websites of medical schools, and other sources.

And when you look at increased mortality since the rollout of the vaccines, there’s increased mortality across ALL age groups. But “It seems to get worse the younger you get.”



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