Students Obviously Need to Learn about Gay Sex, Not Mathematics! by Mrs Vera West

In terms of the theme of “the system is rigged,” how about these two items of cultural war from the gender agenda?
First, the federal government funds a website on student health and wellbeing. That sounds good. But the site “has potentially exposed young people to explicit information about anal sex, gay saunas and searching for sex online.” (The Australian, October 24, 2016, p. 3) Don’t worry, the links have now been removed. Surely no innocent students, legal minors, would have been curious and surfed the world of gay sex online? They just would have ignored the links and done extra maths work, wouldn’t they?

Not to worry, we can always direct our children to hating men, who, we have been told by another program are “globally and historically,” “the greatest threat to women.” (The Australian, October 25, 2016, p. 1) That nonsense is apparently taught in some Western Australian “top schools” by a group running a “respectful relationships education program.” The slide pushing this was shown at a “Men of Respect” workshop at a Perth high school. A student photographed the slide using his trusty mobile phone and placed it online.

A backlash erupted and the group running the program went into damage control, responding that the sentence had been taken out of context, but was a quote to stimulate debate. Sure it was; debate whether this program has been hijacked by the gender agenda! After all, the program seeks to redefine manhood around “character rather than sexuality,” which no doubt means that the traditional ideal of manhood will get yet another kick in the guts.

That all of these sorts of cultural war projects can be forced on our children, bashing men, at tax payer’s expense, is a real acid test of how rotten to the core “our” society has become. But not all hope is lost; the controversial gender agenda Safe Schools coalition will not be getting another $ 8 million of federal government funding. (The Australian, October 25, 2016, p. 6)

One of the few good things about the coming times of economic hardship, if not economic collapse, is that all this pc nonsense will fall into the “luxury’ category and be jettisoned. 



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