Straight from the Journal, Nature By Brian Simpson

     Science wants to be trendy too; this is a lesson that the IQ fetish crowd over at American Renaissance should start learning, that IQ is no defence against the converging catastrophes of race and diversity, and in fact, only intensifies them:

“Black people are more likely than white people to die at the hands of the police; more likely to become unemployed; and, as COVID-19 has laid bare, more likely to be burdened with ill health. Black people are similarly marginalized in most nations where they are in the minority.”     That is due to universal racism. But why universal racism in the first place? And, is Nature right that Blacks are more likely to die at the hands of police than Whites, so waaah, Racism? No:

“Michigan State University psychology professor Joseph Cesario, published on July 22, found that violent crime rates and the racial demographics of a given location are better indicators for determining a police killing victim’s race. As Cesario explained in a press release: Many people ask whether black or white citizens are more likely to be shot and why. If you live in a county that has a lot of white people committing crimes, white people are more likely to be shot. If you live in a county that has a lot of black people committing crimes, black people are more likely to be shot.”

     In short, more crime, more the criminals get shot, it is as simple as that.

     Oh, but do they go far enough? How about shutting down STEM altogether? If police can be defunded, why not science, which surely harms diverse folk too? Isn’t science a tool in the hands of the powerful, too, as entire traditions in the leftist sociology of knowledge have cried? How about medicine too?

“Professors, researchers, and students in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics field from around the country are taking part Wednesday in the #ShutDownSTEM movement to combat what they say is systemic racism in academia. They argue that the STEM field itself creates technology that is “weaponized against black people.” One scholar and self-proclaimed “leading expert on wokeness,” James Lindsay, who is best known for his participation in a project that exposed the faulty review process of academic journals by submitting hoax papers that were ultimately published by such publications, tweeted, that "one point of #ShutDownSTEM is to find out who doesn't do it (maybe they're working on a Covid-19 vaccine?) and to use that against them later, just like happened at Evergreen State College with its Day of Absence."  

“One point of #ShutDownSTEM is to find out who doesn't do it."    Tweet This

Members of the science academic community are “call[ing]on people who are not Black to spend a day undertaking discussion and action that furthers this work, while providing Black scientists with a day of rest." It will be a day where they “#ShutDownAcademia, #ShutDownSTEM, and #Strike4BlackLives." Scientists and researchers subscribing to the movement will not do any work for the entire day, and any class or research group meetings “should be cancelled [sic] or replaced with discussions with colleagues about anti-Black bias in the world and in academia.” Researchers, professors, and other academics participating are encouraged to use the hashtags #STRIKE4BLACKLIVES, #STRIKEFORBLACKLIVES, and #SHUTDOWNSTEM. Members of the academic community want to #ShutDownSTEM in an effort to “create a just, equitable and inclusive STEM field,” and plan to use their day off to dismantle racism by creating “an actionable goal” with “metrics/indicators” to measure success.  “Your racism is unique to you and your narrative. You need to do the work to get out of it. You were not born with the ability to code. You learned it,” reads the movement’s website. It is noted that “the strike is not a ‘day off for non-Black scientists,” but rather one during which non-Black students should commit to certain actions, including researching the “history of anti-Black violence, police brutality, and racism,"  protesting, advocating for “reforming campus security procedures that target Black students” and donating “at least a day’s worth of salary if you are in a position to do so” to a variety of causes, including posting bail for those arrested while protesting or rioting. Founders of the movement write that STEM is problematic because research papers often “reinforce anti-Black narratives,” and because scientists have made technological advancements that “are routinely weaponized against Black people." They say that if scientists do not “engage directly with eliminating racism, you are perpetuating it."

“In the aftermath of a stunning incident in which both The Lancet and The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) were forced to retract a study that used laughably faked data to try to destroy the credibility of hydroxychloroquine (and get clinical trials cancelled around the world), details of a secret conversation have leaked, documenting a phone call between the editors of the journals, during which Big Pharma is described as a “criminal” enterprise that’s pushing junk science while rigging studies with altered data. This stunning admission reveals that even the editors of “prestigious” science journals are well aware that Big Pharma is a corrupt criminal enterprise. And they know the game is rigged, the data are faked, and the medical journals are nothing more than Big Pharma puppets that parrot junk science to push high-profit prescription drugs and vaccines. As you can hear in the audio below — French audio with English subtitles — Richard Horton, the Editor-In-Chief of The Lancet, says: “Now we are not going to be able to, basically, if this continues, publish any more clinical research data because the pharmaceutical companies are so financially powerful today, and are able to use such methodologies, as to have us accept papers which are apparently methodologically perfect, but which, in reality, manage to conclude what they want them to conclude.” Paraphrased, this means Big Pharma can rig any data necessary to achieve publication of junk science in the journals. This has all come to light via an individual who participated in a “closed” phone call, and who describes what he heard, including the assertion by journal editors that Big Pharma is a “criminal” operation (which is exactly what we’ve been reporting for nearly two decades). Via the video description: May 24, 2020: Philippe Douste-Blazy, Cardiology MD, Former France Health Minister and 2017 candidate for Director at WHO, former Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations, reveals that in a recent 2020 Chattam House closed door meeting, both the editors of the Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine stated their concerns about the criminal pressures of Big Pharma on their publications. Things are so bad that it is not science any longer.”

     Well, maybe the BLM protesters have got something right; science is also a swamp that needs cleaning out too. Yawn … so much work to do. Why did previous generations let things get so dirty; all we have now is pretty much a whole society of swamp?



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