Steve Kirsch Interviews Pathologist Dr Ryan Cole on the Mysterious Blood Clots By Brian Simpson

Steve Kirsch has a deeply thought-provoking interview with leading US pathologist Dr Ryan Cole on the issue of the “mysterious” blood clots being now found in deceased people, at least in the US. There is no coverage I could find of this phenomenon in Australia or Europe yet, but that could be because embalmers and undertakers in these jurisdictions are keeping their heads down, and the Australian population re Covid may be even more brainwashed than the US. In any case, the embalmers reporting on the blood clots are seeing them in up to 93 percent of corpses. These clots can be up to three feet long, and embalmers had to pull them from the corpses. These clots were not seen before the Covid vax rollout, and Dr Cole is confident that the cause is the vax. It is speculated that all of the corpses with clots are fully vaxxed up, and the more jabs, the more clots.

“Pathologist Ryan Cole on the mysterious blood clots

No other explanation fits: it's the vaccine causing these mystery clots in up to 93% of cases.

I interviewed Dr. Ryan Cole on the mystery blood clots that are seen in up to 93% of embalmer cases. He received tissue samples from the embalmers.

Here’s the interview:

Bottom line: Dr. Cole had no other explanation for these clots which can kill people other than the vaccine. It didn’t happen during COVID at all.

Here’s a more extensive writeup on Sage Hana’s substack.

Silence from the CDC on all of this (as you’d expect).

You’d think with this affecting up to 93% of cases, the CDC might be just a little interested? No chance.

You might think the mainstream press would cover this? No chance.

In both cases, their job is to promote the vaccine, not protect the public.

Topic du jour: Blood clots and embalming data. Per Steve, embalmers are finding heretofore unseen types of blood clots in their subjects. These clots have only begun since the rollout of the vaccines and seem to present only in the *vaccinated. Embalmers can correlate these unusual new clots to those who were injected.

*injected, these are not vaccines.

Dr. Ryan Cole, pathologist and early alarm sounder of the exp. jabs, obtained some tissue samples of these blood clots and examined them.

Steve asks if these clots are survivable, or if they are a ticking time bomb.

Dr. Cole responds first by providing some background on blood clots. Clots are normally suggested via elevated D-dimer tests which reveal their presence. An elevated D-dimer level usually triggers an examination of the chest to see if there is a large pulmonary clot.

But they (doctors, ER docs, pulmonologists) weren’t finding those. Then that begs the question. So where are the patients clotting…it’s got to be micro clots.

And this is what some of his colleagues are finding. Micro clots.

You can live with micro clots, and even medium size clots…for a while.

But the tissues around it eventually become compromised…because you don’t have oxygen get in there, and the tissues die off…So livable to a degree for a while. Until it isn’t.

Steve wants to apply this to the large clots that embalmers are finding, and asks Dr. Cole to clarify.


It snowballs.

In other words, the clots grow.

Dr. Cole goes into a nightmare fuel description of what happens with the clots inside the body as blood tries to work its way around the obstruction.

Morticians usually use a dissolving fluid to break up clots and the like. However, the fluid could not make it through these new monstrosities and were backing up. Thus they were forced to go into the body and manually pull them out.

…ended up pulling out six inch clots, twelve inch clots, two, three foot clots…


Dr. Cole says that he takes a “trust, but verify” approach to phenomena.

I’ll believe it when I see it. And now I’ve seen it.

Kirsch asks about timing. The injections have been out for a year. Are we only seeing it now, or have people been afraid to report the new clots?


I think it’s that fear factor.

Cole also theorizes that it is the result of the cumulative factor of getting repeated jabs.


So really, it’s the boosters that really started the punch here.


I think so…in life, it’s the dose that makes the poison…

Dr. Cole elaborates on dosing by discussing how even water can be toxic if overdone, and applies the dosing analogy to the spike protein. Then Cole touches on a Stanford study which shows how long the synthetic mRNA persists in the lymph nodes and keeps making spike proteins, up to 60-days.

This isn’t a classical clotting pathway…(cites another study on clots)…when they put spike protein in, incredibly abnormal clots started to form.

The study also revealed that adding spike protein can clot plasma without platelets.

Steve asks what Dr. Cole’s confidence level is that these clots are caused by the injections.

About 80-90%.

Steve barrels in like a prosecutor. Asks Dr. Cole what else may have caused this if not the injections. Ryan lists a few other clotting disorders, these are rare.

Steve seems to have asked Ryan about the other causes to set up a straw man to knock down. It is clear that Dr. Cole thinks this is from the exp. jabs.

Kind of liking how fierce Steve is here, but sometimes you gotta let the expert make the case. Minor quibble from the cheap seats. This goes on for a while. Steve has asked the judge to treat the witness as hostile. He’s your own witness, Counsellor! All that said, would love to have seen some of this fierceness when Matt Taibbi softballed Ro Khanna, for example.

I digress.

Dr. Cole is chuckling. He appreciates Steve. That was me opining. Impressions. I provide some added value here!



Steve really wants to see a three foot long clot, and is rushing Dr. Cole because he has another call. Kind of a funny dynamic at play.

Ryan produces this one from his desk. Steve is disappointed.


Sage note to Steve: You can have Dr. Cole e-mail you the photos of the long clots and insert them into your video in post production using entry level video editing software. I try to help where I can! No big deal. Good stuff.


Summary thoughts: If you got two to three jabs, this is going to be a very difficult video to process. Literally!

Wonder if they’ll cover this on tomorrow’s edition of Breaking Points?

“The vaccines turned COVID into the flu!”

(I couldn’t resist.)”




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