Softbois of the World Unite, You Have Nothing to Lose but Your Brains! By John Steele

     Softbois, or spelling it out “Soft Boys,” (closely related to “Soy Boys”) is what many boys, I don’t call them men, are today, the product of a feminist society and testosterone destroying chemicals, and emasculated lifestyles.  Here the Left can explain it, since they helped create it:

“There’s a softboi spectrum. At one end, it’s just anyone who has any unique or alternative interests that make them feel superior to other people. At the other end is quite hardcore emotionally manipulative men who use these interests to really mess about with women or men. But there’s so many people in between on the spectrum so there’s no one real definition. What are three terms you’d use to describe a softboi? Alternative. Superiority complex. Emotionally exploitative. You can assign those qualities to a lot of people, but you’re saying it’s the alternativeness that gives the bois their soft edge? Yeah, exactly. Softbois have alternative interests and come across like they’re being very open about their emotions, which is a really good thing for men to do. But it then twists into “and you should therefore sleep with me because of this”. Another common thing with softbois is that they turn quite emotionally messed up when they get rejected. For example: one guy [featured on the account] messaged a girl on Tinder saying “don’t be sad life is wonderful”, and when she didn’t reply he wrote “lol you must be one of those emotionally distraught women who hasn’t figured out their purpose yet”.  

     And so it goes on. Can we please have a hyper-Darwinian event just to clean out the Augean Stables?



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