Sky Rocketing Excess Deaths By Richard Miller (London)

More on the extraordinary rise in excess mortality following the Covid vax rollouts. Our favourite fox mentions how The Telegraph paper had an article,  titled, “Silent crisis of soaring excess deaths gripping Britain is only tip of the iceberg. ” The report is of a health crisis which is seeing about 1,000 excess deaths per week, which are not due to Covid. Excess deaths are deaths that are above the statisitical norm.  "There have been 18,734 deaths due to Covid this year, but since May, there were 24,440 deaths where the primary cause was another condition.

Over the past six months, non-Covid excess deaths have been running at three times the rate of Covid deaths."

“And understand we locked down the country; we locked down the world. And we can't even get an investigation with excess deaths compared to what happened during the COVID response.”


However, while this phenomenon should be regarded as requiring immediate scientific investigation, there is simply nothing being done to ascertain the cause, as the mainstream article noted. Since even the mainstream accepts that Covid itself is not an explanation, the search for a common cause would surely involve analysis of the role of the Covid vaxxes, but that is taboo for the system. Imagine the panic if people came to believe that they are walking biological timebombs. Bad for business profits and repeat vaxxes.



“On August 18, 2022, The Telegraph published an article titled, ‘Silent crisis of soaring excess deaths gripping Britain is only tip of the iceberg.’

They found that Great Britain is “in the grip of a new silent health crisis,” seeing “around 1,000 extra deaths each week, none of which are due to Covid.”

And they warned, “If the current trajectory continues, the number of non-COVID excess deaths will soon outstrip deaths from the virus this year – and be even more deadly than the omicron wave.”

The warning became reality on November 1 — ‘Crisis as excess deaths soar to levels higher than during Covid pandemic.’

They wrote, "There have been 18,734 deaths due to Covid this year, but since May, there were 24,440 deaths where the primary cause was another condition.

Over the past six months, non-Covid excess deaths have been running at three times the rate of Covid deaths."

“And understand we locked down the country; we locked down the world. And we can't even get an investigation with excess deaths compared to what happened during the COVID response,” lamented The Highwire’s Jeffrey Jaxen. But let’s not dwell on that.


We can do our own investigation and take a look at the raw graphs.

So this is Euromomo, looking at excess mortality in 26 participating countries in ages 0 to over 85.

Notice that around week 30, the grayish-blue line "divorces itself" from the total excess mortality rates of 2020 and 2021. And this is during a time when COVID is in the background, with a "safe and effective" vaccine on the market for some time.

“Obviously, we have a signal here — a big-time problem,” emphasized Jaxen.

But it gets worse when we take a look at children.

This is Euromomo data again, but we’re specifically looking at ages 0 to 14.

 As you can see, by the end of 2020 (gray line), children actually suffered less excess mortality than usual when there were ZERO Covid-19 vaccines on the market. Odd.

  • But then look at 2021 (dark blue line). It continues that downturn, suffering less-than-usual excess mortality, but once emergency use authorization gets granted for children in the middle of the year, deaths quickly escalate. And as younger and younger children get approved for the jab, deaths soar even more.
  • Now, as we look at 2022 (blue-gray line), deaths continue to accelerate like they did near the end of 2021. And compared to 2020 and 2021, there are FAR MORE overall excess deaths.

Why aren’t health officials taking a look at this??? All we seem to be getting is radio silence. Anyway…

One more chart.

This is the cumulative excess deaths in Germany — which wasn't accounted for in the previous Euromomo charts.



 Excess deaths in 2020 (yellow-orange line) stayed mostly normal but saw a sudden surge in excess deaths towards the end of the year.

  • In 2021 (red line), there was a bit more excess death than in 2020. And deaths ramped up in the third and fourth quarters — the same time that we were at the height of vaccine mandates and a fierce booster shot campaign.
  • Now, in 2022 (purple line), the trend continues — and is on pace to exceed the total excess deaths of 2021.

So, after looking at this data, we can conclude the health crisis wasn’t during COVID; the health crisis is NOW.

Del Bigtree ends with closing thoughts on the matter.


This death rate in Germany goes higher than it’s ever been in September since 2015 — And probably before. And it’s continuing to rise. If it continues to rise at that rate, it’s going to outpace 2021. It is skyrocketing, folks! And it should be nothing short of terrifying under the circumstances, especially when you have governments not looking at the one obvious thing that has shifted in the lives of humanity across the world.”

Excess deaths in England and Wales are currently running higher than in the main pandemic years of 2020 and 2021, figures have shown.

Throughout October, there have been an average of 1,564 extra deaths per week, compared with a weekly average of just 315 in 2020 and 1,322 in 2021.

Latest figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) showed that in the week ending Oct 21, there were 1,714 excess deaths in England and Wales, of which only 469 were due to Covid - just 27 per cent of the total. 

It is 16.8 per cent higher than normal. Deaths are also running higher than the five-year pre-Covid October average from 2015 to 2019, figures showed.

Health experts have warned that some of the unexplained deaths are being caused by collateral damage from the pandemic, when operations and treatments were cancelled or delayed as the health service concentrated on Covid.

The Government’s “stay at home, protect the NHS” message also left many people who needed medical treatment unwilling to bother the health service, or afraid they would catch coronavirus if they went into hospital.

The NHS is also struggling from long-term staffing issues and current shortages because of coronavirus, leading to record waits for ambulances, treatment and surgery. 

Dr Charles Levinson, of the private GP service DoctorCall, which has seen a rise in patients presenting with advanced conditions, said: “What is driving the excess death crisis? In my view, delays in diagnosis/treatment now and throughout the pandemic. 

“The reasons behind this are clearly up for debate. I also believe that the Government needs to be far more open on this and tell us what they are doing to solve it.”

Excess deaths are stubbornly high and show no sign of slowing, despite a fall in coronavirus cases. 

Data from the Institute of Faculty of Actuaries Continuous Mortality Investigation (CMI), which takes into account the ageing population, is also showing significant increases in excess deaths. 

The CMI found that there were 13 per cent more deaths this week than if death rates were the same as 2019. 

“That’s another significant excess,” said a spokesman. “Calculated excess deaths were significantly higher than the number of deaths mentioning Covid on the death certificate. This continues the pattern of recent months. 

“Cumulative mortality rates year to date are 3.3 per cent of a full year’s mortality worse than 2019.”

The new data follow analysis from The Telegraph that showed that in the past six months, there have been more excess deaths from causes other than Covid than deaths due to coronavirus for the entire year.

There have been 18,734 deaths due to Covid this year, but since May there were 24,440 deaths where the primary cause was another condition.

Over the past six months, non-Covid excess deaths have been running at three times the rate of Covid deaths. 

Some of those people did die with a coronavirus infection, but it was not the main reason for the death.

Covid death registrations published by the ONS have been creeping up in the past few weeks, following a rise in coronavirus cases in the middle of September. However, the government dashboard is now showing a drop in deaths. 

While ONS figures only run to Oct 21, the dashboard figures are updated up to Oct 27 and show a drop in Covid deaths in England of 10 per cent over the previous week. “

“I was looking for some information from one of the Pfizer documents when I came across this one. It was released in the latest November tranche of documents and is a Combined Fertility and Developmental Study (Including Teratogenicity and Postnatal Investigations) of BNT162b1, BNT162b2 and BNT162b3 by Intramuscular Administration in the Wistar Rat. The Pfizer vaccine that was approved for emergency use was BNT162b2.

Remember, these were the documents that were only released after a Court ruled the FDA should do so and therefore it was always likely the worst documents would be released last.



This document was approved on 22 December 2020. In April 2021, the UK issued new advice that pregnant women should be offered the COVID-19 vaccine at the same time as the rest of the population, based on their age and clinical group.

The study was undertaken by Charles River, an American pharmaceutical company specialising in a variety of pre-clinical and clinical laboratory services for the pharmaceutical, medical device and biotechnology industries. That description was taken from their 2019 Wikipedia page.

Abstract & Conclusion

The objective of the study was to assess potential effects of the vaccine candidates and the immune response, on fertility and pre and postnatal development in the female Wistar rat.

The vaccines were administered intramuscularly to Female Wistar rates 21 and 14 days before mating and then on gestation day 9 and 20 (4 doses in total). The control group had a saline solution on the same days and under the same conditions. Each group had 44 females, 22 which were assigned to the caesarean subgroup and 22 to the littering subgroup.

After mating with unvaccinated males (so we have no idea if there are any fertility issues with males), 22 rats underwent caesarean section on day 21, whilst the rest were allowed to litter and offspring observed up to weaning on postnatal day 21.

So let’s skip straight to the conclusion as most people might do.

Intramuscular administration of BNT162b1, BNT162b2 and BNT162b3 before and during gestation to female Wistar (CRL:WI[Han]) rats was associated with non-adverse effects (body weight, food consumption and effects localized to the injection site) after each dose administration. There were no effects of any of the 3 vaccine candidates on mating performance or fertility in F0 female rats or on embryo-fetal or postnatal survival, growth, or development of the F1 offspring. An immune response was confirmed in F0 female rats following administration of each vaccine candidate and these responses were also detectable in the F1 offspring (fetuses and pups).

Only non-adverse effects and no effects on mating performance or fertility. Furthermore, no effects on embryo-fetal or postnatal survival, growth or development of the offspring. However, an immune response was detectable in the F1 offspring, so clearly something is being transferred to the pups.

All sounds promising - quick get every pregnant woman vaccinated - it has been tested on 44 rats after all. However, a closer look at the body of the report raises some concerns.

Main report

Unscheduled deaths

Although the report states that there were no deaths throughout the study related to any of the 3 vaccine candidates, later in the text it says there were three unscheduled deaths in the female rates.

A moribund female showing signs of parturition difficulties and 2 females with total litter death were euthanized by carbon dioxide inhalation and exsanguination.


Further down the report it contradicts itself again and says there was no unscheduled death related to any of the 3 vaccine candidates.

However it notes that one female from the BNT162b3 group had parturition difficulties and was euthanised for ethical reasons.

The female delivered 8 pups. On LD0, distended/blue abdomen was noted. On LD1, hunched posture, pale, marked piloerection, bleeding at the vulva/red vaginal discharge, distended/purple abdomen were noted and 4 of the delivered pups were missing/dead/cannibalized. At necropsy, the female had 13 implantations, 3 fetuses were retained in the uterus. No macroscopic findings were noted.

The authors say that such cases of parturition difficulties are present in historical control data (a study in 2016) for this strain of rat so these finding were considered to be incidental.

One female in the BNT162b1 group incurred total litter death of 15 pups (9 stillborn, 3 cannibalised, 1 dead and 2 missing pups). Another female from the BNT162b3 group delivered 8 stillborn pups.

Again, the authors say total litter death at or shortly after birth is present in historical data (two studies out of 18 between 2015 and 2019) so they conclude the deaths were incidental and not related to the vaccines.

Clinical Observations

Apparently there were no adverse clinical signs because again they were considered incidental.

Other clinical signs such as abnormal vocalization, chromodacryorrhea, desquamation, erythema, localized hairloss, malocclusion, long or missing teeth, red vaginal discharge, red stained fur, scab(s), sore(s) noted sporadically across the groups were considered to be incidental, related to the method of dose administration or to the pregnancy status of the females.

Body Weight

Mean body weight gain was lower in the BNT162b1 and BNT162b3 groups (26 g and 30 g), compared with the control group (33 g) throughout the lactation phase. This was not considered vaccine-related, but due to an atypical high value in the control group compared with the historical control data range (from 10.9 g to 32.6 g).

Food Consumption

Reduced mean food consumption was noted after the first 3 dose administrations (M-21, M-14 and GD9) in the BNT162b1, BNT162b2 and BNT162b3 groups compared with the control group (up to -14, -16 and -17% on GD9, respectively). Complete recovery was noted between each of the dose administrations such that mean food consumption was comparable with the control group during the premating and gestation periods, therefore none of the transient differences from control were considered adverse.

Pre-Implantation Data

The mean percentage pre-implantation loss was higher in the BNT162b2 and BNT162b3 groups (9.77% and 7.96%, respectively) compared with the control group (4.09%). However, the differences were not biologically meaningful and the values remained within the historical control data range (5.1% to 11.5%) for pivotal studies, so the difference was considered to be incidental.

External Observations

From the BNT162b1 group, Fetus 17 (F35) had exencephaly, open eye and spina bifida in the cervical region. Exencephaly and open eye are part of the background data for this strain of rat. These malformations noted for a single fetus were therefore considered incidental in view of the isolated incidence.

In the BNT162b2 group, there was Fetus 14 (F58) had gastroschisis and Fetus 14 (F64) had a small mouth and agnathia. These malformations are part of the background data for this strain of rat (CRL:WI(Han)) and were considered incidental in view of their isolated and sporadic nature

Visceral Observations

Again, the report states there were no effects on fetal soft tissue morphology due to the vaccines.

However, from the BNT162b1 group, one fetus has narrowed ductus arteriosus and another had a retinal fold. One fetus in the BNT162b2 group has a right-sided aortic arch and one from the BNT162b3 group has a ventricular septum defect. These were, again, all considered incidental, as were less severe soft tissue anomalies.

Skeletal Observations

No effects on fetal skeletal morphology were reported but in the BNT162b1 group a fetus had acrania and multiple abnormalities of thoracic and cervical vertebrae. In the BNT162b2 group a fetus had short and fused mandibles. All of these, including other less severe anomalies, such as supernumerary lumbar ribs, 7 lumbar vertebrae or incomplete ossification of thoracic centrum, were considered incidental.

Pre-Birth Loss

No effect on pre-birth loss reported. However, in the BNT162b1 group pre-birth loss was 12.2% and in the BNT162b3 group it was 13.8%. This compared with the control group at 6.8% but was within historical ranges so considered incidental.

Consequently, the mean number of pups delivered was marginally lower in the BNT162b1 and BNT162b3 groups (11.9 and 11.4, respectively) compared with the control group (13.3). However, the values remained consistent with the historical control data range (from 9.9 to 11.8) for pivotal studies.

Pup Viability and Litter Sizes

No effects were observed which were related to the vaccines. However, in the BNT162b1 group the live birth rate was 93.2% and in BNT162b3 it was 94.7%, compared with 98% in the control group.

Consequently, the mean live litter size was marginally lower in the BNT162b1 and BNT162b3 groups (11.0 and 11.3, respectively) compared with concurrent control group (13.0). However, the values were consistent with the background data for this strain of rat (from 9.8 to 11.6)

Necropsy finding of adult females

Abnormalities of the liver (diaphragmatic hernia, mottled surface, abnormal shape or adherent mass) were occasionally noted for isolated females across all groups (including controls) and were considered incidental.

It seems all of the adverse events above were considered incidental by the authors but I guess they are in a much better position to analyse the data. Furthermore, many of the adverse events related to the other two vaccine candidates, it was BNT162b2 which was eventually selected for emergency use authorisation.

However, with so many adverse events only happening in the vaccine groups I would want to study the effects on more than 44 rats before advising every pregnant woman in the world to get injected.”



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