Shutting Down Nature By Charles Taylor

     It is getting hard to pick, but here is my choice of politically correct Leftist absurdity of the week.

“The Grampa Simpson “old man yells at cloud” meme is funny, to be sure. But leave it to black folks to go it one better by screaming at a lake. Last month, “Afro-Latinx” singer-actress Naya Rivera drowned while swimming in Lake Piru in Ventura County, Calif. Rivera had grown up in the area; the lake was not unfamiliar to her. It was an accident, and nothing more. Still, a black life was “taken,” so a petition was created to “cancel” Lake Piru.
“Lake Piru needs to go down. Now and forever. It’s taken too many lives,” brayed signatory Erin Jordan. “Naya Rivera and others deserve f**king justice. Nobody deserves to f**king drown or possibly be dead bc of this river,” bellowed Linnell Lilliston. Other comments: “Shut this sh*t down please.” “The lake shouldn’t have the right to be open anymore.” “Shut this place down!!!” “This lake is very dangerous and a threat to people. Not a single death more.” “This place should be drained.” “Use it for drinking water or drain it completely.” “Shut down Lake Piru for good.” Many of the 4,400 signatories simply chimed in with “justice NOW!” or “where’s the justice?” or “we need justice!” How one can extract “justice” from a lake is unclear. What is clear is that the notion of yelling at clouds seemed ludicrous until a bunch of low-IQ lunatics began doing it for real. A step up from demanding justice from a lake is demanding it from a tree. I mean, at least trees are living organisms. Robert Fuller was a crazy-ass black man in Palmdale, Calif. (well, to be fair, all of him was crazy, not just his ass). Beset by mental illness, the poor bastard hanged himself from a tree outside the Palmdale City Hall on June 10. Fuller had a history of auditory hallucinations, institutionalization, psychotic outbursts, and suicide attempts. He used his EBT card to buy the rope he employed in the hanging (from a Dollar Tree, noch).

It was an open-and-shut suicide, but in the fantasy world of BLM, it was a “lynching,” and hundreds of angry protesters besieged city hall for days on end, chanting, yelling, and at one point attacking the sheriff’s department, pounding on doors and walls, screaming for “justice.” Eventually the mob decided that the only way to extract that justice was to kill the tree. Now, the idea of executing a tree for a hate crime might seem funny to you, but it must be remembered that the average tree is the intellectual superior of the average BLM thug. Brian Hashimoto, a far-left local artist and photographer who offers his services pro bono to BLM in order to “amplify melanated voices” (he states that with deadly seriousness on his website), documented the attempted vigilante justice against the genocidal tree (again, speaking without a hint of awareness of how insane the situation was): At one point someone appeared with a chainsaw and announced he was going to cut the tree down. The crowd chanted in support. There was a lot of tension in the air. Those of us with cameras were asked to put them away so that no one would be documented in the act. But a friend of the family stepped in and shouted down the chanting and declared the family did not want this and it could interfere with the newly announced state investigation. That this would not bring justice. She stepped in front of a chainsaw and an impassioned, rightfully angry crowd of hundreds and directed their energy back to the streets. It was an incredible moment. The grief, the anger, the pain, the bravery, the respect, all of it. #blacklivesmatter #justiceforrobertfuller #nojusticenopeace #amplifymelanatedvoices

The bravery, the respect. A bunch of certifiable cretins arguing over whether to kill a racist tree or let it live so that it could assist in a pointless investigation into a nonexistent lynching. Literally, a heated debate over whether to extrajudicially execute a villainous tree or turn it over to authorities. In America 2020, this is what passes for a Great Moment in Black History. By the way, Palmdale is not far from Lake Piru. I don’t know about you, but I’m thinking collusion between the tree and the lake.”

     Runner up is this, where the title says it all:



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