Should Sperm Cells and Ova be Vaccinated as Well? How about Trees? The Ocean? The Evening Breeze? The Planet Mars? By Brian Simpson

Whoa! Babies are now getting vaccinated, along with pregnant women! Since we obviously need sources, sinks for the vaccines, never ending sources, what else can be vaccinated? We must keep the profits up! Could the vaccines just be tipped down the sink? Could trees and plant life be vaccinated? Forget about science and common sense. Why, how about the bats that did not cause this, don’t they deserve a jab too, and fictional characters too, like Batman, just for being annoying and thinking he can beat Superman? Then, I am surprised Elon Musk has not said this, but we could send tonnes of vaccines to Mars in his super hero rocket ships. Yes, that makes sense too.

“Coronavirus vaccines may be available in the fall for U.S. children as young as 6 months, drugmakers say. Pfizer and Moderna are testing their vaccines in children under 12 years, and are expected to have results in hand for children aged 5 through 11 by September.

Compared with adults, children are much less likely to develop severe illness following infection with the coronavirus. But nearly four million children in the United States have tested positive for the virus since the start of the pandemic, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Doctors continue to see rare cases of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, a condition linked to Covid-19 that can affect multiple organs, including the heart. Vaccinating children should further contribute to containment of the virus by decreasing its spread in communities.

Pfizer announced on Tuesday that it was moving to test its vaccine in children aged 5 through 12 years. It will begin testing the vaccine in infants as young as six months in the next few weeks.”


No, no, six months is letting things go too far. Foetuses need constant jabs, surely.


“Health experts are now officially recommending that pregnant women be offered the Pfizer vaccine at any stage in their pregnancy.

Key points:

  • The advice says women should be "routinely offered" the vaccine
  • There is now evidence mothers could pass their immunity to their babies
  • Authorities say there is no risk of fetal abnormalities, miscarriage or maternal illness in women who get pregnant after getting the jab

Previous advice had been that women who were pregnant and at a high risk of catching COVID-19, or who had medical conditions that might them more vulnerable to the disease, should consider getting vaccinated.

But the official health advice remained unclear about women who were not at risk of getting sick.

Now, the expert health panel advising the government on the vaccine, ATAGI, and the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) have issued an update to that advice.

"RANZCOG and ATAGI recommend that pregnant women are routinely offered Pfizer mRNA vaccine at any stage of pregnancy," they said in a joint statement.

"This is because the risk of severe outcomes from COVID-19 is significantly higher for pregnant women and their unborn baby.

"Global surveillance data from large numbers of pregnant women have not identified any significant safety concerns with mRNA COVID-10 vaccines given at any stage of pregnancy."

The health advice for breastfeeding mothers was already that they should get the Pfizer vaccine, with authorities saying new evidence showed it could help pass immunity to their baby.

"There is also evidence of antibody in cord blood and breastmilk which may offer protection to infants through passive immunity," RANZCOG and ATAGI said.

The statement said the advice had been given with the low level of community transmission in Australia and New Zealand in mind.”

Such is the splendour of the Vaccine New World Order.





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