Russian Missiles in Mexico? Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This could ultimately lead to another version of the Cuban Missile Crisis, which almost led to nuclear war between the US and the former USSR. Mexico has never been a friend of the US, both historically and at present. Mexico engages in pushing illegal migrants onto the US, when it could easily stop the flow and send them back where they came from and the invasion would end. Of course, the US could force Mexico to do this by sanctions, or heavier means if necessary, but does not do this, as the open borders at present serves the Great Replacement policy of the Biden regime.

Now Mexico has moved to become a military ally of Russia. That raises the likelihood of Russian missiles being placed in Mexico. After all, Russia feels that a similar situation is occurring in Europe with the Ukraine, so it seems justified in doing so. And it will not be just Mexico either, with Cuba, Venezuela and the Caribbean being other places. Thus, the US is setting itself up to be nuclear-surrounded. Not smart if survival is the name of the game. But apparently the Ukraine is worth everyone dying for.

"Mexico is now officially a military ally of Russia, which is considering placing missiles on Mexican territory in order to attack the United States.

Former U.S. Air Force officer Jake Broe took to X to announce that Kremlin State TV announced Russia's new allyship with Mexico, warning that Russia is piece by piece, brick by brick surrounding America with intent to destroy it.

"Russians on Kremlin State TV yesterday declared that Mexico was their military ally and they are wanting to place their missiles on Mexican territory so Mexico can attack the United States," Broe tweeted. "This is insane."

A few days before this latest development occurred, Russian media was advising Moscow to station nuclear-capable ballistic missiles in the Caribbean in retaliation for NATO nations approving Kiev's use of Western-supplied weapons to attack deep within Russian territory.

Russia readying for WWIII

Here in the U.S., "60 Minutes" ran its own segment about NATO's escalation of the situation, revealing that Kiev is currently receiving a massive stockpile of long-range weapons that include soon-to-arrive F-16 fighter jets.

Western powers continue to push towards World War III by crossing every red line established by President Putin. And as NATO funnels more weapons and cash into Kiev in defiance of Putin's warnings, Moscow is strategically placing weapons of war all around the U.S.

President Biden continues to insist that all the U.S.-supplied weaponry being sent to the Zelensky regime is not for use inside Russian territory. The reality, though, is that Kiev is already using it to strike Russia in defiance of the narrative.

As an "asymmetric" response to these growing threats from the West, Russia is now positioning missiles "to those nations that are willing to strike our enemies," said co-anchor Olga Skabeeva in a report.

Skabeeva named several of these partners, which include North Kora, Venezuela and Cuba. A "more traditional" course of action for Russia would "obviously be a nuclear strike as soon as we see an existential threat to our country," she added

At the recent St. Petersburg Annual Economic Forum, Putin expressed optimism for de-escalation, explaining that the time has not yet come for the use of nuclear weapons. At the same time, he did warn that Russia will send cutting-edge weaponry to allied nations labeled as "enemies of the West" as retribution for NATO's actions in Ukraine.

The U.S. also continues to up its sanctions against Russia, which is only driving it and the rest of the world's de-dollarization and shift towards BRICS. Every move the U.S. makes seems to only strengthen Russia while weakening America, which was perhaps the plan all along.

"All warfare is based on deception," explains Sun Tzu's The Art of War.

"Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near." 



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