Russia Gets Ready for Nuclear War By James Reed

I recall talking to an old-World War II guy who I think attended the very early meetings of the League in Adelaide, and was in a social credit group that met from the end of the War, until his death. My brother John, and George Merritt (deceased) was able to save his massive library of social credit material for the League before being thrown out by his kids who were not on side. And I asked him, I being of the next generation, did anyone see this nightmare coming back then? If we had a time machine, could we have alerted people then, and saved the downhill slide from the 1960s? He thought not, as when he was back in Australia on a medical during the war, being wounded, people would ask: “oh, how is the war going?” It was only when it looked like Japan would invade, did the people get really concerned. And, according to my grandfather, who was a World War I vet., when the invasion seemed likely, local cops rounded up all the guns so nobody could fight against the invading army!  This story says it all about human compliancy.


Perhaps the same is going to apply to the present crisis that is starting to spiral out of control in the Russia/Ukraine war. As detailed below, Russia is well down the road of nuclear preparation, while the West does not even have bunkers for the population. Putin has said this week that a Russian attack on the US would be total nuclear destruction with “no chance of survival.” The elites think it is worth  to risk this to preserve their dark secrets in the Ukraine.

“Ear-splitting sirens blared across Russia and school children donned gas masks during terrifying nationwide drills to test Russians’ readiness for a potential nuclear war.

As part of the exercise that started Tuesday and continued Wednesday, TV and radio stations interrupted their regular programming to broadcast a notice saying: “Attention everyone! The readiness of the public warning system is being tested! Please remain calm!”

At the same time, a similar announcement made in a stern male voice boomed from loudspeakers across Russia, demanding “Attention everyone!”

“The readiness of warning systems is being checked, please remain calm,” the speaker barked.

Video purportedly shot at a Russian school showed children assembled in a gym being taught the proper way to put on a gas mask in case of an attack.

Additional footage captured emergency responders in hazmat gear and protective masks practicing evacuation procedures by carrying a dummy on a stretcher while accompanied by K9 dogs.

Elsewhere, workers in creepy gray suits, dark shades and masks were shown sticking signs into the ground by the side of a road.

Russian media reported the exercise’s scenario mentions the increasing danger of a conflict between nuclear powers and simulates a response to a situation in which 70% of homes and all crucial infrastructure have been destroyed, wide areas contaminated by radioactive fallout and a general mobilization announced.

“When you hear the sound of a siren, you need to remain calm and not panic, turn on the TV — any publicly accessible channel or radio — and listen to the information message,” the Ministry of Emergency Situations said in a statement addressing the drills.

“The warning system is designed to timely convey a signal to the population in the event of a threat or emergency of a natural or man-made nature.”

The chilling narrative goes hand in hand with President Vladimir Putin’s repeated claims that Western support for Ukraine has escalated the threat of a direct confrontation between Russia and NATO countries.”



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