Robert Kennedy Jr Wants an Investigation into the Biden Crime Family By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Robert Kennedy, US presidential candidate continues to give the power elites heart attacks. Not only is he a leading vax critic, an opponent of Dr Fauci, about whom he wrote a best-selling book, but now he is doing the right thing, for a Democrat, and going after Joe Biden, the head of the snake, well, at least on paper. Kennedy has now called for an investigation of the Biden bribery scandal, covered in other posts at this blog. This is so big and sordid, an example of the biggest, dirtiest lie, that the Biden regime hope is that the public will just be numbed by it, and just forget. But now there is both Trump and Kennedy jumping up and down about this, and Kennedy will keep Trump on the ball here. What is there not to like?

“Robert F. Kennedy Jr. changed his tune Sunday and called for an investigation into the alleged Biden bribery scheme.

Speaking with Fox News, the Democrat presidential candidate said allegations surrounding President Joe Biden and Hunter Biden about allegedly accepting $5 million in bribes are worth “a real investigation.”

“I think the issues are now coming up are worrying enough that we really need a real investigation of what happened,” Kennedy said. “I mean, these revelations about the, where you had Burisma, which is, you know, a notoriously corrupt company that paid out, apparently, $10 million to Hunter and his dad. If that’s true, then it is really troubling.”

“So, I think that that needs to be investigated,” he added.

Kennedy’s statement is a dramatic course correction from just last week when he refused to attack President Joe Biden on his family’s alleged corruption, despite polling that shows overwhelming concern about the scandal.

“What I’ve tried to do in this campaign is to focus on issues and focus on the values and not focus on ad hominem attacks on people,” Kennedy told Fox News when asked about the scandal.

“Isn’t alleged corruption an issue that voters should be concerned about?” Fox News pressed.

“I think on every side it’s something that people should be concerned about, but it’s not something that I’m making a spear tip to my campaign,” Kennedy replied.

The course correction comes after Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) released an FBI information record that alleged President Joe Biden and Hunter Biden each received $5 million from Mykola Zlochevsky, the founder of Burisma Holdings, after Joe Biden threatened to withhold aid to Ukraine until then-President Petro Poroshenko fired a prosecutor investigating Burisma

Kennedy’s opinion now aligns with polling that shows a majority of independents want congressional investigations into the Biden family business prioritized. Another majority of registered voters believe Joe Biden’s family received millions of dollars from Chinese government-linked sources. Moreover, 61 percent of Americans believe Hunter Biden received “special treatment” in his plea deal with U.S. Prosecutor David Weiss.”




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