Robert Kennedy Jr to Run as Independent By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is a part of Robert Kennedy Jr declaration of running as an independent in the 2024 US presidential elections. The thought is that this will hurt the Democrats more than Trump, although team Trump is going to target him, as Kennedy can to Trump over the Covid scam and Trump’s support of Dr Fauci. The vax issue is a clear weakness on the Trump side. In any case this makes matters more interesting as it increases the establishment’s difficulties with election fraud. Here are some extracts from Kennedy’s speech which probably did not get any hearing in the Australian vax-crazed press.


“Today, I Declared Myself an Independent Candidate for President

Today, I declared myself an independent candidate for President of the United States of America. 

And more than that, I joined my voice with all the people who are fed up and all the people who are hopeful, to make a new Declaration of Independence for our entire nation. 

Today, I declared my independence from the corporations that have hijacked our government to milk us for profit. 

I declared independence from Wall Street, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Ag, the military contractors, and their lobbyists who now outnumber members of Congress 20 to 1. 

I declared independence from the mercenary media that forever urges us to hate our neighbors and fear our friends. 

I declared independence from the cynical elites who betray our hope and amplify our divisions. 

And finally, I declared independence from the two political parties and the corrupt interests that dominate them, and the entire rigged system of rancor and rage, corruption and lies, that has turned government officials into indentured servants of their corporate bosses. If left unchecked, they will commoditize our air, water, food, labor, and children, and turn the American Dream into desperation and dust.

I declared my independence from these corrupting powers because they are incompatible with the inalienable rights that our original Declaration of Independence invoked in 1776: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

How can we guard life when for-profit corporations have captured the public agencies that are supposed to protect us? How can we enjoy liberty when a surveillance state seeks to hide the truth and quash dissent to preserve its power? And how can we pursue happiness when our nation's families are imprisoned by debt and hunger and jobs that will never pay the bills?

And so today I declared my independence from the tyranny of corruption which robs us of affordable lives, belief in our future, and respect for one another. And to do that, I had to declare my independence from the Democratic Party and independence from all parties.”





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