Robert Kennedy Jr on the Power and Control of Big Pharma By Chris Knight (Florida)

Robert Kennedy Jr, presidential candidate, and the first such candidate to have a wide-ranging scepticism about the effectiveness and safety of vaccinations in general, the social agenda of Big Pharma, and its financial role on the media. For America and New Zealand, Pharma can advertise on TV, and for America 75 percent of advertising revenues comes from pharmaceutical companies. Kennedy relates how he had produced a documentary on the harms of some vaccinations, and presented it to Fox News. Then Fox News executive Roger Ailes, said that if anyone from Fox showed this, or talked to Kennedy on this topic, he would be forced to fire them. It is obvious here that he who pays the media piper, plays the tune of Big Pharma. It is hardly surprising, even for Australia, that there is little coverage of the adverse effects issue with the vax; the absence of such discussions, just gives the game away.

“There are only two countries that allow pharma ads on TV: one is the United States, and the other is New Zealand.

“75% of the advertising revenues in the nightly news come from pharmaceutical companies,” reported Kennedy.

Kennedy produced a documentary about vaccines and presented it to Fox News. Then Fox News executive Roger Ailes told Kennedy, “This is like a red line for us.” “If one of my hosts, like Cavuto or Sean, allowed you on to talk about this issue, I would have to fire them.”

CNN’s Jake Tapper did an exclusive segment with Kennedy about Simpsonwood, a secret meeting where the CDC tried to figure out how to cover up the signal caused by thimerosal in vaccines. Corporate offices “killed that story.” Tapper told Kennedy, “It’s the first time corporate has ever interfered with my journalism, and I’m outraged.”

“Anderson Cooper is getting a $13-million-a-year salary. But if you actually look at the revenues, probably 70 or 80% of that is coming from Pfizer,” commented Kennedy.

“So, who is he really working for? Is he working for the public interest? I don’t think so. And it’s not that Pfizer is writing his scripts and dictating stuff, but he knows where the boundaries are of what he can and cannot say.”




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