Riots in the UK: Another Take, By Richard Miler (London)

There has been, surprisingly enough, massive anti-immigration protests in the UK following the knife murders by son of migrants, Axel Muganwa Rudakubana,who murdered three girls sat a Taylor Swift-themed dance class in Southport, and left eight children and two adults seriously injured. Some Right wingers had promoted the idea that Rudakubana was an asylum seeker, which was not true: However, the reply by the mainstream that the killer was born in the UK, is besides the point as this is a response to the racial dispossession of White British people. Thus, the left wing Guardian has a point:

"In Aldershot and Manchester, men gathered outside hotels being used to house asylum seekers and were reported to have hurled bottles, rocks and bricks at police officers. Police and emergency services have been injured and property has been set alight and damaged: in Sunderland, a police building was ransacked and a fire started at the Citizens Advice office next door. Tell Mama, an organisation that monitors reports of Islamophobia, has called for the police to step up protection for mosques.

These riots will be used by some on the hard right of British politics who are anti-immigration and anti-asylum to shore up their belief that Britain is not a successful multi-ethnic society."

The Guardian then goes onto say what successful multicultural society Britain is, apart from these awful racists:, the mass protests are a counter, and it is about time there was a White response to this Great replacement. Here is a X with photos of just a few British, almost all White, killed by foreigners:

As for the "successful multicultural society" … well, it depends upon the definition of "successful":

"There's a lot of horrific footage circulating of riots and protests from last night. Political hacks are using specific clips to push their narratives. So I thought I might attempt an honest summary of events that they and the mainstream are unlikely to provide.

1. Stoke-on-Trent

A group of men, appearing to be of Middle Eastern ancestry, assaulted a man who seemed to be of Anglo-Saxon descent, reportedly due to his race. However, the video alone doesn't confirm the cause.

The "Muslim Defence League" allegedly attacked two white men with hammers. Again, the exact cause was unclear.

Dozens of Middle Eastern-looking men were then seen patrolling the streets with weapons.

This was followed by footage of them shouting "Allahu Akbar" in a nearby park. So, at this point, it became pretty clear they were Muslims.

Officers instructed the same men to discard their weapons at the local mosque.

The march, presumably due to the murder of three young girls or mass immigration (people would have attended for various reasons), initially appeared peaceful.

2. Bristol

An Anglo-Saxon-looking man assaulted a man of African descent, reportedly because of his race. The video alone doesn't confirm the cause.

Protestors gathered outside a hotel reportedly housing "asylum seekers", "illegal immigrants", or "economic migrants". Counter-protestors soon turned up.

A fight broke out after both sides threw cans at each other.

Counter-protestors assaulted a journalist attempting to film the event. Shouts of "fascist" can be heard.

Footage then emerged of what are thought to be Antifa members harassing a Christian pastor near a shopping centre. You can here them talking about abortion.

Protestors swore at and goaded counter-protestors as police formed a line to separate the groups.

3. Liverpool

This was where most of the horrific footage derived. Yet, the protest, at least initially, appeared peaceful.

Police charged at protestors, who ran to avoid conflict.

Counter-protestors arrived, but skirmishes were reportedly avoided. Protestors were seen cheering as police ushered the counter-protestors away.

They must have been close at some point, however, as arguments broke out between protestors and "anti-racist" counter-protestors.

Protestors reportedly pushing against the Southport murders/mass immigration (again we cannot be sure) then started to turn violent and were recorded physically assaulting a policeman.

The violence escalated. Some individuals then ripped down a stand handing out Qurans, shouting "our country, our country."

Later, rioters looted a library or bookstore.

Some masked rioters set off fireworks, reportedly aiming at police.

4. Other Notable Highlights

In Stoke, police allowed Middle Eastern-looking men with weapons to run past them while they seemingly attempted to cordon off a road.

In Blackpool, police set dogs on protestors. It is unclear if the man broke any laws or if this was to disperse crowds.


It's a mess. Both sides committed violence, which doesn't benefit anyone bar our surveillance-thirsty government and hate speech advocates.

It might be the case that the violent actions of a few have completely tainted those of the peaceful many. Further clarity is needed.

Unfortunately, our Prime Minister couldn't give a monkey's. Earlier today, he announced that protestors and rioters would experience the full force of the law. And almost astonishingly, in the same breath, he included those who posted comments online, as if material violence can be equated with words.

It would perhaps help if the Home Office actually did their job and recorded and published data relating to immigration and crime. But they simply refuse to do the work. Another astonishing reality us Brits are stuck with.

Some very dark days could be ahead… More protests are reportedly planned for the next week." 



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