Ricardo Duchesne on the British Riots Against Immigration, By Chris Knight (Florida)

Leading Canadian dissent right intellectual, Ricardo Duchesne has given his take on the British immigration riots. He is not surprised since there has been a program of racial replacement of White British beginning in the era after World War II, as has occurred in Australia and the US as well. His point worth noting is that the protesters need to focus on more than just the migrants, who are really simple pawns in the game: https://www.amazon.com.au/Pawns-Game-William-Guy-Carr/dp/1939438039. "The ruling Western class wants whites to get caught up in a race war so that it can easily target them as "racists" and "extremists" and eliminate them from society.

We need to be aware that the ultimate enemy are not immigrant invaders. The ultimate enemy are: The business Western world and the intellectual elites. The former want heavily populated western nations to be characterized by continuously rising consumption levels, real estate development, and globalist retailers outcompeting and replacing small, family rooted, European towns and medium sized cities and local businesses.

The latter want to actualize the progressive liberal ideal of creating nations without national "xenophobic" identities, overcome the superior historical achievements of whites and achieve equality worldwide between the races, liberate humanity from collective racial and cultural identities for a race mixed humanity based on the principle of equality of right to choose one's lifestyle."

Good to know the real enemy.


"I. Whichever way you cut it, the imposition of immigrant diversity upon whites has been a huge failure according to almost every criteria we employ:

it has come along with endless campaign to fight "white racism" leading to a permanent climate of racial tension felt primarily by lower and middle classes whites living among immigrants

it has entailed the promotion of the blatant lie, orchestrated by teachers and university professors themselves, that all Western nations are intrinsically "immigrant nations" constituted by diverse races

it has resulted, in most Western nations, in continuous transfers of income and wealth from whites to nonwhites, amounting to trillions

it has nurtured a media, and a professional elite, that is now trained to construct lies, cover up crimes, and forced upon everyone the belief that "diversity is our strength"

it has required white men who wish to integrate into this system of racial mixing, get an education and a career, to emasculate themselves and lose their dignity

it has transformed once clean, stable, nice smelling cities into third-world like noisy and dirty cities — notwithstanding the billions spend on city planning thanks to white taxpayers

it has resulted in persisting killing and rape of white women and girls by nonwhite immigrants and its acceptance by a white male ruling class devoid of honor.

The beneficiaries have been 1) nonwhite immigrants, who are educated to view Europeans as imperialists who "underdeveloped" nonwhite nations and committed genocide against nonwhite cultures, while having pride in their own third world cultures; and 2) major businesses and banks contemptuous of national identities, traditions, and lower classes.

II. The rioters in Britain should be careful that they don't into the trap of believing that immigration replacement is something orchestrated by "immigrant invaders". Immigrants definitely exploit anti-white ideas to promote themselves and they do prefer to see their numbers grow as a way of augmenting their power, though some of them sense that too many immigrants will make Britain into another corrupt, dysfunctional nation. The ruling Western class wants whites to get caught up in a race war so that it can easily target them as "racists" and "extremists" and eliminate them from society.

We need to be aware that the ultimate enemy are not immigrant invaders. The ultimate enemy are: The business Western world and the intellectual elites. The former want heavily populated western nations to be characterized by continuously rising consumption levels, real estate development, and globalist retailers outcompeting and replacing small, family rooted, European towns and medium sized cities and local businesses.

The latter want to actualize the progressive liberal ideal of creating nations without national "xenophobic" identities, overcome the superior historical achievements of whites and achieve equality worldwide between the races, liberate humanity from collective racial and cultural identities for a race mixed humanity based on the principle of equality of right to choose one's lifestyle.

III. A popular counter-argument against whites who criticize the "immigrant invaders" is either that British people are now experiencing what they did to others, it is "payback time", or that migrant mobility is a result of Western/British intervention and destabilization of Third World nations. As much as I oppose Western intrusion into the politics of other nations not threatening them directly, it can be easily shown that immigrants are coming from many African, Near Eastern, and Latin American nations where Westerners are not currently militarily involved. It can also be easily shown that immigrants are coming because they simply prefer Western nations to their own nations, not because they are consciously seeking to "payback for imperialism".

But here's an argument I would make against the continuous effort by white liberals and nonwhite opportunists to inflict guilt on whites for colonizing and "underdeveloping" the Third World.

Overall, British imperialism, was good, Don't feel guilty for your ancestors:

1. It outlawed Widow Burning in India.

2. Brought nonwhites modern clothing, suits, ties, underwear, shoes and socks.

3. Taught them that cousin marriage is dysgenic and anti-family, and that stoning of defenseless women is unmanly.

4. Abolished Slavery.

5. Gave Africans and Muslims nation states and ended their barbaric tribalism.

6. Brought them latest science, railways, electricity, modern engineering of cities, clean waters and more hygienic cities.

7. Spread civilized English language.

8. Brought them all the sports they love to play.

9. Brought them rule of law and modern legal system to mitigate their endemic corruption.

IV. News Headline: UK PM Starmer threatens to arrest "far right protesters" who commit violence against Muslims and engages in vandalism".

The modus operandi of the Western ruling class for the last 50 years has been that diversity would solve the perennial problem of human conflict by overcoming what it perceived to be the source of this problem, racist ethnic identities among Europeans. Putting all their bets on this claim, the ruling classes completely transformed the education, laws, businesses, and entertainment of their nations to make them diverse. Now, stuck with this order, the very legitimacy of the ruling class depends on its continuation. There is no exit door. Accordingly, instead of slowing down or admitting any errors, the Western ruling class cannot but double down, and persist in the claim that creating human harmony requires overcoming far right white racism. This will be the most salient reality of the West for the coming decades: either whites are utterly degraded or a new ruling class comes to power." 



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