Red Meat and Dairy Food Threatened “But that wouldn’t happen here”. OR “Would it?” By Ken Grundy

Recall the story of the frog being tossed into boiling water and its reaction was to instantly jump out whereas had it been put in warm water gradually reaching boiling point, it would have been unaware of the impending doom.  This is a story applicable to many circumstances.

A trend where the community will suffer is being mostly overlooked.  It will firstly affect farmers and then the public.

Emissions from animals in the name of cattle burping from both ends are portrayed as a major problem contributing to global warming.  Before challenging the accuracy of the claim, countries around the world are implementing remedial treatments.  

New Zealand has introduced a burp tax collected from cattle farmers which of course will initially raise revenue with no reduction in the emissions.  In the longer term, as the tax becomes more burdensome, farmers will reduce their herds.

The PM of the Netherlands has urged a reduction in cattle numbers by 50%.

Australia has put the burp tax on the back-burner claiming it as an ‘aspirational aim’.  The Primary Industries Minister prefers cattle be fed a seaweed supplement to reduce effects from the burps.  No thought has been given to problems feeding the supplement to cattle beyond the dairy gate like remote stations.  Other animals in huge numbers like wild pigs and kangaroos are not within the scheme.

Radio news on October 28 2022 referred to the need for a reduction in consumption of red meat and dairy products because those items are significant contributors to carbon which in turn affects global warming.

Is it not clear that a threat to continued production of red meat and dairy products is very real?

While the sheep industry is not involved at this stage; it most likely soon will be.

Try to imagine the future of farming in Australia or your district in particular, when red meat and dairy products are severely reduced.

Outside of animal issues, reduced fertiliser use is set to impact production and this will be achieved by law (in places like Holland) or by sheer cost elsewhere.

Will production be reduced by specific land being set aside for ‘non-production’?  Minister Plibersek recently announced that 30% of Australia would be declared “Conservation” which at this stage has not been defined but you can see the potential to deny production.  The US is reported to have some such areas.

At this stage, this may seem incredible but I ask you to recognise the programme being followed obediently.

I am not referring to a plan drawn up in some dark room but rather taking note of what has been the outcome from world class conferences attended by elite businessmen, top bankers and those sympathetic to a one-world-government.  Bodies such as the UN, World Health Organisation and the World Economic Forum have a united voice calling for the end of nationhood where we presently can decide for ourselves the things we want.  The elite see world problems like high population levels and global warming as being controlled only from their centralised government.

How do they hope to establish the power they seek?  Policies favouring this power are often delivered at the national level by people who have been trained to implement such polices in their home country.  The key designers are undoubtedly very clever and have observed that harsh conditions must be created before nations will commit to obedience and preparedness to relinquish national sovereignty.  Some of these observations were evident during the Covid pandemic  -  while the population was influenced to fear the pandemic, gross interference with freedoms was established

Currently we have several crises like energy costs and supply before us which are falsely justified due to events like the war in Ukraine which under scrutiny, bear little or no relationship to the actual situation.  When we have adequate coal and gas, generating plants etc at our disposal, why can’t power be supplied at a reasonable price?   Is the ‘scarcity’ maintained to keep us under pressure until we are prepared to succumb to more central control?

Should you be unable to see the links referred to here, I suggest you keep it on file and compare it with future events.

Who will protect us from such a destructive plan?  Based on former performance, it will NOT be the farmer’s lobby groups and it will NOT be the Coalition or Labor Parties, because they have let current issues develop unchallenged.  I should add the proviso that it will not be them UNLESS sufficient individual citizens become active and demand our representatives act to save us from all central control.  This may be under the headings of “Climate Change”, “Environment”, “Population Control”, “Conservation”, “Sustainability” or other titles with appeal.  We cannot afford to sign anymore agreements like the Climate one in Glasgow.  We need to decide our own matters if we are to roll back this imminent storm.

We often remember the brave deeds of our forefathers in wars where they put their life on the line for freedom but are we too timid to do anything to save our freedoms today?  Freedoms under attack today can be defeated with no threat to our life.  Don’t miss the opportunity or we may end up like the boiled frog!





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