Race War and Secessionism By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I have examined some Dissent Right sites, with their comments on the aftermath of the predictable Chauvin trial, and it is heartening to see some movement to secession, the breakup of America. I covered the Texit movement in another article. Greg Johnson, first:


“Officer Derek Chauvin should not have been convicted for murder in the death of George Floyd. But the conviction comes as no surprise, because it comes at the end of a long list of things that shouldn’t have happened.

Chauvin never should have been tried in the first place. No crime was committed. Chauvin was merely in the wrong place at the wrong time when a habitual criminal and druggie finally overdosed. If Chauvin had done nothing, Floyd may have lost consciousness while driving his car, possibly taking his passengers and random innocents with him. Chauvin did his job, which was to protect the public. His life was ruined for it, with little thought for the message that this sends to other cops and other criminals.

Floyd’s death should never have been turned into a racial incident in the first place. There was no evidence that racial hatred or prejudice played any role in Chauvin’s actions. He didn’t decide to kill a random black man. He responded to a crime committed by a black man. Black men come to the attention of the police so often because they commit crimes far in excess of their percentage of the overall American population. Furthermore, whites are more likely to suffer from police brutality than blacks.

Derek Chauvin was not a “racist cop.” Nor did he act like one. We must note, however, that George Floyd did act like a walking stereotype: overdosing on multiple drugs, passing counterfeit currency, and capering around with a banana in his hand. When he was confronted by the police, he lied, whined, and generally refused to take responsibility for his actions. George Floyd’s life obviously didn’t matter that much to him. So why should it matter to the rest of us?

Derek Chauvin was tried to appease a mob of violent morons foaming at the mouth from an overdose of media lies and anti-white hate. He was lynched in the court of public opinion, long before he had his day in court. There was probably not a place in America where Chauvin could have gotten a fair trial, but he certainly should not have been tried in Minneapolis. The jurors certainly should have been sequestered. Countless public officials — including such walking stereotypes as Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey and Representative Maxine Waters — should not have abandoned the presumption of innocence and declared Chauvin guilty of murder. And, of course, the domestic terrorist groups BLM and Antifa should have been mercilessly crushed by the police long before they could threaten violence if Chauvin were acquitted.

Why do we have government in the first place? To secure justice. Why do we give public officials power and prestige? So they secure justice not just when it is easy but especially when it is hard, even when it requires saying “no” to angry lynch mobs.

But given that the entire political establishment defaulted on its duty to say “no” to the mob — when they weren’t actively encouraging or even joining them — it was too much to expect twelve jurors in Minneapolis to finally stand up for truth and justice.

Given that the entire political system made a farce of the trial before it even convened, why would we expect twelve ordinary people to do the right thing? After all, the whole purpose of having a justice system is so that ordinary people don’t have to take justice into their own hands.

One could argue, of course, that the jurors are part of the justice system. They had oaths to uphold. But as the trial progressed, it quickly became clear to even the dimmest juror that Derek Chauvin was on trial merely for doing his sworn duty as part of the justice system. And if the system would throw a police officer to the mob to appease them, what chance would the jury have?

The Chauvin verdict is a verdict on the American justice system. From top to bottom, it has failed. You can either pursue justice or pander to morons, but you can’t do both.

Of course Chauvin has the right to appeal. But that does not change the fact that he should never have been tried in the first place. Even if Chauvin had been acquitted, his life has been turned upside down. Even if Chauvin’s conviction is overturned on appeal, he will never get justice at this point. One would have to sack and prosecute countless public officials and members of the press to make even a dent in the massive hoax crime that has been committed against Derek Chauvin and the American people at large.

Derek Chauvin was convicted because of the threat of massive BLM and Antifa violence if he were acquitted. A serious country would never have allowed this, since convicting Chauvin will produce more violence than acquitting him.

Even dumb animals respond to incentives. So do terrorists , criminals, and cops. Convicting Chauvin rewards political violence. Rewarding violence produces more of it. A serious country would have long ago crushed BLM and Antifa for being domestic terrorist organizations. Furthermore, BLM’s basic demand is to make it safer for blacks to commit crimes and more dangerous for police to arrest them. The result is predictable: soaring black crime. It even has a name: the Ferguson Effect . It should simply be called the BLM Effect.

Civilization is a fragile thing. It depends on the forces of order constantly repressing the forces of chaos. Civilized people are soft-hearted. They don’t like seeing the knee of order on the neck of chaos. They’ll like it even less when the knee is removed.

Want to destroy civilization? Just make crime legal. The criminals will do the rest.

What should white normies do?

Batten down, because a great wave of chaos is coming, and your skin will be your uniform. You may not want colored people as your enemies, but sometimes your enemies choose you. Your head may be overflowing with white guilt and good intentions, but the only thing the mob will see is the color of your skin. Your fake woke virtues will not save you.

What should white advocates do?

First, take sensible precautions to secure your personal safety and the safety of your loved ones, but be warned that even violence in self-defense will be prosecuted.

Second, don’t call for violence or engage in it. Even as blacks and communists are trashing America, the establishment is looking for white racists to blame. Don’t play along with them.

Third, use this as an opportunity to educate. I didn’t know whether Chauvin would be convicted or acquitted, but I did know in advance that there would be violence either way. Furthermore, I knew it would demonstrate that America has to choose between justice and pandering to black people. This entire farce is built on lies and enabled by viciousness and cowardice. It is a crushing indictment of multiculturalism, the liberals who promote it, and the conservative cowards who enable them. If we can’t use this to wake people up, we aren’t worth our salt. 

Take heart, though. Most whites already know this is a farce, but they aren’t quite sure what to do about it. Just repeat the same basic mantras: We shouldn’t have to live this way. If white people had a country of our own, this would not be happening. We can’t live with these people, but we can live without them. We have irreconcilable differences. It is time for a racial divorce. 


Gregory Hood:


“The trial was pointless. We knew the outcome. We knew the threat. Convict Derek Chauvin of murder, or cities will burn. Jurors surely knew they would be doxxed if they didn’t vote to convict; one potential juror was dismissed after he dared mention this fear.

There is a debate to be had about police conduct. I’m not going to back the blue unconditionally after CharlottesvilleAshli Babbit, and the ruthless manhunt for January 6 rioters. Derek Chauvin would have carried out the same orders against us. However, what Derek Chauvin did to George Floyd isn’t even close to what happened to white man Daniel Shaver, gunned down in a hotel hallway by a police officer who was later acquitted and was paid for his mental suffering. This is about race, not police. I expect police will crack down further on law-abiding whites while ignoring black crime.

The howls for Derek Chauvin’s head were primal. I haven’t heard such cries of triumph since O.J. Simpson was acquitted.

Of course, Derek Chauvin was hardly a champion of white identity. In 2018, the Twin Cities Pioneer Press gave a fawning profile to his then-wife, Hmong refugee Kellie Chauvin. She called her husband a “gentleman” and “just a softie.” Less than two years later — just three days after George Floyd’s death — she divorced him. Her lawyer told journalists about her “utmost sympathy” for Floyd’s family.

What’s so striking about the Derek Chauvin case is that it could have happened anywhere. Every police officer (or white person who lives in a black neighborhood) knows about the sob stories, the wailing, the lying, and the sudden switch from threats to begging and back again when blacks face cops. Floyd himself had tried this soft-shoe routine when he was arrested in 2019. Derek Chauvin and his three colleagues had probably seen far worse.

Yet it was Derek Chauvin’s blasé attitude during the arrest, his business-like nature, that doomed him. If he had acted less professional, by panicking or begging Floyd to remain calm, it would have been different. The other officers were just as relaxed. They must feel dumbfounded that their attempts to subdue a raving man on drugs led to something close to a revolution. The prosecutor’s closing argument was something out of a nursery rhyme, denying that George Floyd’s heart problems and drug-taking caused his death, but rather that Derek Chauvin’s “heart was too small.” (The media loved it.)

Whether a routine arrest like this becomes a cause depends on countless factors. If the teenager Darnella Frazier had not taken a video, nothing would have happened. Even with body cam footage, I suspect there would have been no case. Without a simple image to rouse the simple masses, no one would have cared.

The sanctification of George Floyd makes this even more surreal. The #MeToo movement took down powerful men who had made inappropriate jokes or crude gestures decades ago, but a criminal who spent his last moments on earth trying to rip-off shopkeepers and lying to police has become a holy figure, complete with literal claims of miracles. George Floyd’s life and death were practically a caricature of what the crudest “racist” would conjure out of a hateful imagination. A white man with his record would have been treated exactly the same, but because Floyd was black, journalists made him a saint. Most people let others build their reality. Post-white America has a new faith.

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld, author of The Bible of Unspeakable Truths and The Joy of Hate, said that even if Derek Chauvin wasn’t guilty of all charges, he thought the verdict was a good thing. “I want a verdict that keeps this country from going up in flames,” he explained. That’s the bravery of American conservatives for you. While the country didn’t “go up in flames,” there were some troubling signs last night that worse is to come.

The guilty verdict didn’t calm the streets. It didn’t even calm the politicians. The President of the United States says that “this can be a moment of significant change.” Kamala Harris, whose parents are immigrants, intones that this won’t “heal the pain that existed for generations.” Barack and Michelle Obama want “true justice,” which requires “that we come to terms with the fact that Black Americans are treated differently, every day.” (I don’t think they mean affirmative action.) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says the verdict wasn’t justice and doesn’t want people to think the system works. Empty-headed celebrities demand that more be done.

The guilty verdict didn’t douse the fire; it fed the flames. It’s yet more proof: rioting works.

And now, we’ve already had a member of Congress demanding that policing be abolished because it can’t be reformed:

Rep. Tlaib represents Detroit, where the already-ruined city saw a huge increase in homicides and shootings in 2020, just another part of what was undoubtedly the largest single-year increase in the murder rate in American history. Almost all the added victims were black. “The community” doesn’t seem to care, so there’s no reason politicians should.

Let’s hear no wailing about “black lives.” The main victims of the crime wave are black, with victims including childrenpartygoers, and funeral guests. Voters who elect progressive prosecutors don’t seem to care any more than the “community” does. Do they prefer bloodshed to good police work?

Vox tells us BLM has led to a reduction in “police homicides” in areas where there were protests. Of course, at least some of these homicides would have been justified use of force. Yet the very same research Vox cites says that between 2014 and 2019, there were “somewhere between 1,000 and 6,000 more homicides than would have been expected [absent protests]” in those places. Even if we accept the unhinged premise that police suddenly stopped gunning down blacks for no reason, the result of BLM was thousands of dead blacks — and nice houses for the movement’s co-founder.

Still, it’s not about blacks. It’s about us. Rudyard Kipling, a poet who wouldn’t get far in our affirmative action worldwrote:

It is always a temptation for a rich and lazy nation,
To puff and look important and to say: —
“Though we know we should defeat you, we have not the time to meet you.
We will therefore pay you cash to go away.”

And that is called paying the Dane-geld;
But we’ve proved it again and again,
That if once you have paid him the Dane-geld
You never get rid of the Dane.

We paid the Dane-geld. We’ve shamefully paid it to people with far less nobility and courage than the Vikings. The Minnesota protester screaming that riots worked is right. They worked because they had media backing. If others ran the press, the Cannon Hinnant case alone could have changed everything. Instead, most whites haven’t heard of it, nor about the others of our race butchered every year.

Our loss of identity leaves us vulnerable to moral blackmail. Whites seem to be in a permanent state of shellshock. White conservatives want to be left alone, with Tucker Carlson saying that what the nation needs “more than anything” is “a moment to catch our national breath.” Really? Conservatives know something is wrong, but don’t dare recognize the real problem. Republicans who collaborate with this rotten system have shut down even halting steps towards white identity.

Meanwhile, over the last decade, white liberals have radically changed their views on race and actively discriminate against whites. It’s more correct to say that new views were inserted into their brainsthrough hysterical media coverage of police shootings. Those who call themselves “very liberal” are hopelessly deluded. A majority think that police gun down over 1,000 unarmed black men a year — almost 100 times the actual number.


Statistics can’t compete with sob-stories, and stories give people meaning. I believe many Americans get their moral purpose for life from them.

There are also specific benefits in keeping the system going. Activists and politicians build careers. Blacks get a chance of hitting the “ghetto lottery” (assuming they aren’t killed) and becoming heroes. It’s a strong incentive to turn a petty scam into an epic showdown. Journalists who want to lead a social revolution or just get clicks (or both) fall right in line.

Even as this is written, there is a case in Columbus, Ohio, that could be our next George Floyd-style passion play. Officers arrived at a chaotic brawl and shot a black girl. Body cam footage shows the girl trying to stab someone before she was shot. Nonetheless, the image the Associated Press uses for the story is a Black Lives Matter protest. It looks like yet another case of a degenerate “community” causing chaos, attracting the police, and causing a racial confrontation.

This is what the dead girl’s aunt told The Daily Beast:

“The police are going to lie. I’m so thankful that someone from the family was actually on the scene,” [Aunt] Bryant said . . . . “The police are going to lie. The police are going to cover up for themselves. They don’t care. At this point, I feel like they’re just out to kill Black people. They’re not here to protect and serve. That isn’t happening. That’s been over a long time ago. They’re not here to protect and serve. They’re here to kill Black folks.”

Like many other whites, I’m exhausted. Unlike Tucker Carlson, I don’t think we need a chance to catch our breath or pursue change more slowly. We need radical change.

Every confrontation between a white officer and a non-white criminal is a potential riot. The process is corrupt because judges, jurors, and politicians know that the mob has a veto over the verdict. The rule of law is dead.

The answer is separation. Without it, this will never stop.


The strange reality is that there is almost no difference now between being a notorious white advocate or any white guy. Derek Chauvin went, in just one day, from a heartwarming “softie” who married a Hmong refugee to the embodiment of white supremacy. A few days ago, it was a soldier who stopped a black guy from accosting women. He was chased from his home. Tomorrow it could be you.

You could try to stop a crime. You could fight back against an assault. Maybe you just look at someone the wrong way. Maybe you do nothing at all. But if you donated $10 to a cause the media don’t like — or even if you didn’t — you could be the mark for the next great hate hoax.

I write this reluctantly. Many of us become white advocates kicking and screaming, afraid to see the truth. We all get here through experience, usually painful.

However, no matter how far you run, how earnestly you plead, what you say, or even whom you marry, you will always be white to those with power. That means many despise you. At some point, you must decide to stand or kneel, and a society that kneels before the memory of a George Floyd is not one worth serving or saving.”


Queen Ann Coulter:



“To watch the hours of celebratory fist-pumping from government officials and black activists after the guilty verdicts against police officer Derek Chauvin this week, you’d think Minnesota had just won the NCAA tournament.

One man is dead and another will be spending up to 40 years in prison. How about Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellisonshow a little dignity, with something like: “We had the trial; we’ve got a verdict; I’m not taking any questions”?

Nope! We got a one-hour spirit rally for the championship team. The key was teamwork. Our guys practiced every night—staying even after the gym had closed! We couldn’t have done it without the fans.

There wasn’t this much triumphalism when Ted Bundy was convicted! He murdered 30 women, escaped from jail twice, and killed again before finally being brought to trial. We didn’t have hours of gloating after they got the Green River Killer, and it took 20 years to catch him.

Maybe we’ve gotten less decorous in the past few decades. But how about celebrating the conviction of a gangbanger who killed an 8-year-old girl in a drive-by? Would the media be as giddy about that?

Not likely. Wild celebrations are in order only for the railroading of a cop.

The prosecutors must feel great! All it took was threatening the jurors with riots and personal destruction to get the verdict they wanted. Real Ciceros, these guys.

Chauvin was forced to flee his home last year, which naturally had been vandalized, requiring constant police presence. Barricades have recently been erected around the home ofofficer Kim Potter, who accidentally shot escaping violent gun offender Daunte Wright last week.

The day before Chauvin’s case went to the jury, a defense witness—a witness!—had his former home in California vandalized with pigs’ blood and a pig’s head.

So I’m sure the jurors reached their verdict purely based on the evidence, after a careful weighing of both sides in the Anglo-Saxon tradition.

We’re told that this is only the beginning, big changes are in the air. Does that mean every case against a cop will come with threats of mob violence?

Here’s one big change in policing that will come out of the Chauvin trial: No longer will police use the least amount of force on vulnerable individuals, like George Floyd. From here on out, the safety of the perp will take a back seat to avoiding unflattering cellphone videos.

A key point brought out at trial was this: As soon as Chauvin arrived on the scene, he would have been within his rights to use a Taser or stun gun on Floyd. The prosecution’s use-of-force experts agreed!

Chauvin employed a less aggressive restraint that looked worse to bystanders. Big mistake.

By now, surely, all law enforcement officers realize that their one overriding concern must always be the optics, not the reality. Unlike other public servants, police have to do their jobs while under the watchful eye of cellphone cameras. What matters is how things appear to idiot onlookers.

Heart disease is rampant in the African American community. Combine that with drug use and behavioral problems—and there are a lot more George Floyds out there waiting to happen.

According to the medical examiner, it was the stress of being restrained—combined with Floyd’s heart condition and massive amount of fentanyl in his system—that killed him. If lying on the ground was too much stress on Floyd’s heart, how about 50,000 volts of electricity?

Again, according to the state’s use-of-force experts, that would have been A-OK.

Got a resisting arrestee? Zap him with the stun gun and heave him in the back of the police van. Whatever happens after that, at least you won’t have a chubby EMT screaming at you and taking videos.

True, Floyd stood a better chance of going on living by NOT being zapped with a stun gun. On the other hand, Chauvin stood a better chance of staying out of prison if he’d just gotten Floyd in the police van, pronto.

Nice work, Minnesota!

The other big change coming down the pike is that we are headed back to the 1960s in terms of crime. Already, 2020 marked the largest year-to-year increase in murders in the history of the country. In Minneapolis alone, the murder rate doubled. Get ready for a lot more violent crime, emboldened criminals and less aggressive police.

To the unwitting citizens of Minnesota who will soon have their lives snuffed out, just remember: The jurors were worried about their own personal security. It was your life or theirs, and they decided the better part of valor was to sacrifice yours.

Their motto: I regret that I have only dozens of other people’s lives to give for my virtue.”

What has not been mentioned is the racial profile of the jury, as Brett Stevens observes:


“It turns out that more than anything else, the jury was a racial headcount like the O.J. Simpson jury:

The jury of six white people and six people who are Black or multiracial was set for its first full day of deliberations.

After closing arguments were done, Judge Peter Cahill rejected a defense request for a mistrial based in part on comments from California Rep. Maxine Waters, who said “we’ve got to get more confrontational” if Chauvin isn’t convicted of murder.

Like the O.J. Simpson case, this one turned on whether the city wanted more diversity riots. It did not. Like the O.J. Simpson case, this one was decided by the presence of Africans on the jury, who will always vote to defend their ethnic interests. The Whites on the jury, seeing no hope for unanimity otherwise, will fold.

As in the O.J. Simpson case, all involved felt threatened by the angry mob that threatened witnesses:

The former California home of a defense witness in the Derek Chauvin murder trial was vandalized with a pig’s head and blood smears most likely tied to his testimony from the trial, police said.

The Santa Rosa Police Department issued a statement on Saturday that said it seemed that the “suspects in this vandalism were targeting” Brodd for his testimony.

As usual, there were few White men on the jury:

The 12-member jury consisted of three black men, one black woman, two white men, four white women, and two women who identify as interracial.

In other words, if trials like voting are racial headcounts, the Whites lost this case before it ever started. Every group votes with its interests, and women and minorities seek to humble males from the majority group.

Just like in the O.J. Simpson case, the police were on trial and the fear of racial disturbance determined the outcome. In a society dedicated to diversity, the majority must always be wrong in order to keep the minorities happy. This happens no matter what race the groups are.

Nothing seems different here from the cases of Mike Brown, Trayvon Martin, Rodney King, Ahmaud Arbery, and Hurricane Carter. Your position on the racial landscape determines your position on the facts of this case and any other racially-tinged instance, including voting.

If we polled White people in America and they answered honestly, most would believe that Chauvin was innocent and that George Floyd brought about his own doom by violently resisting arrest and then swallowing his stash. The same treatment would be brought upon us if we behaved as he did.

It turns out that race does not predict police shootings:

The race of a police officer did not predict the race of the citizen shot. In other words, black officers were just as likely to shoot black citizens as white officers were.

Other studies, based on unofficial data, conclude that more minorities are killed:

In south-western states, police killed black people 1.81-2.88 times more often than they killed white people. In the north Midwest and north-east, the disparity was often more than 2.98. In the Chicago metropolitan area, black people were killed 6.51 times more often than white people.

When we factor into this whether the perpetrator was armed, however, we see a different pattern emerge which shows more Whites shot for resisting arrest:

Elder, who is black, noted that statistics showthat more unarmed white people were shot and killed in 2019 than unarmed black people.

However, given that fewer White perpetrators are armed, the statistics become unbalanced, since more of them are shot when unarmed, skewing racial statistics:

Overall, close to 1,000 people are shot to death by police officers in the U.S. every year, according to a database maintained by The Washington Post. It is true that a majority of those victims are white people.

“That’s only because there are so many more white people than there are Black people in our country,” says Miller, a professor of health sciences and epidemiology who has been researching injury and violence prevention for two decades.

Translating this: Black people shot by police are disproportionately likely to be armed, and therefore, to get shot. White people get less consideration from police, who probably assume that they should know better, and light them up for their lack of privilege.

While this event is unfortunate for Derek Chauvin, who had to deal with a violent suspect fighting him during the arrest, it will red pill both White and Black citizens into realizing that in a diverse society, your skin is your uniform and you vote for your people, no matter what.

That in turn makes it clear that diversity cannot stand.

Osiris Akkebala offers a different perspective, which is that appeasement is the “cheap option” instead of what will solve the racial crisis in America, namely reparations-on-condition-of-repatriation for all minority groups:

There Is No Justice When Freedom And Independence Are Not Present In It, It’s Just A False Positive In The Reality Of All Negativity That Victimizes Black Afrikan People Today !!!

In my heart, I agree. O.J. Simpson existed in a White world and was shaped by the White sports audience to the point that he married a White woman and attempted to live in a fancy White suburb, playing golf and pretending to be Jim McMahon with a dark tan.

Similarly, George Floyd found himself in a society entirely alien to his needs where people were forcing him to “be more White” in order to have financial success. Sadly, he turned to drugs and crime, but many minorities do this because diversity is so alienating.

Despite the hopes of the Leftist appeasers, who are basically denialists that democracy and equality have failed, there can be no racial reconciliation. Diversity is suicide for all parties involved. We either end diversity or it ends us.”

Diversity has already ended the American, if not the Western experiment, and it is time to move on. The result of this is clearly shown by Biden pushing neo-Marxist creations such as Critical Race Theory in schools:


“The woke revolution in the classroom is about to go federal. In an early but revelatory move, President Biden’s Department of Education has signaled its intent to impose the most radical forms of Critical Race Theory on America’s schools, very much including the 1619 Project and the so-called anti-racism of Ibram X. Kendi.

Biden’s Department of Education has just released the text of a proposed new rule establishing priorities for grants in American History and Civics Education programs. That rule gives priority to grant “projects that incorporate racially, ethnically, culturally, and linguistically diverse perspectives.” The rule goes on to cite and praise the New York Times’ “landmark” 1619 Project, as well as the work of Critical Race Theorist Kendi, as leading examples of the sort of ideas the Biden administration wants to spread.

The programs immediately targeted by Biden’s new priority criteria for American history and civics grants are small. Once in place, however, those criteria will undoubtedly influence the much larger and vastly more dangerous “Civics Secures Democracy Act.” That bill would appropriate $1 billion a year, for six years, for history and civic education. Support for leftist “action civics” is already written into the priority criteria of the bill itself. I have argued that additional anodyne-sounding priority criteria in the Civics Secures Democracy Act — criteria favoring grants targeted to “underserved” populations and the mitigation of various racial, ethnic, and linguistic achievement gaps — would be interpreted by the Biden administration as a green light to fund Critical Race Theory in the schools. The new draft federal rule for grant priority in American history and civics education makes it clear that this is indeed the Biden administration’s intent.

The Biden administration’s interest in pushing Critical Race Theory on America’s schools could already be gleaned from the president’s repeated endorsement of the notion that America is “systemically racist.” Biden’s statements to that effect are actually cited in the new federal rule. It’s of interest as well that the new rule explicitly endorses the wave of woke Critical Race Theory currently sweeping through America’s schools. Biden’s new American history and civics rule also expresses support for “Culturally Responsive Teaching,” the ultra-woke and utterly politicized pedagogy derived from Critical Race Theory that was recently imposed on teachers in Illinois.


Above all, the federal “Civics Secures Democracy Act” must be stopped. Just as a combination of Obama’s Race to the Top grant program and federal regulations managed to impose the abysmal Common Core standards in math and English on nearly every state, the Civics Secures Democracy Act is designed to impose leftist action civics and Critical Race Theory on even red states. The state-level grant money is large enough that the leftist education bureaucrats who dominate even in red states will have a clear field to apply for federal funding. If conservative governors push back against grants that commit an entire state’s education system to action civics and Critical Race Theory, they will be slammed by Democrats, the education establishment, and the media for refusing badly needed federal dollars.

That is why it is urgently necessary for states to pass laws barring action civics and Critical Race Theory from the K-12 curriculum and teacher training. Without such laws in place, it will be almost impossible to resist the carrots and sticks soon to be deployed by the Biden Education Department with the aim of forcing action civics and Critical Race Theory onto America’s schools.”




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