Professor Bhattacharya: We Have Not Seen the Last of Lockdowns By Brian Simpson

Leading Covid mandate critic professor Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford University has said that when the next pandemic comes, there will certainly be lockdowns, and a repeat of all we have experience with Covid, if not more. “People like Rochelle Walensky, Tony Fauci, they're giving themselves awards.” Indeed, at the present time, the main players all seem to have got a home run. The professor would like to see major reforms at he CDC, and an apology from health officials, but tht is surely wishful thinking, because it will not happen without legal force. That may be coming with the law suits that are starting up now, and the public no longer follows the Covid vax mania that led to most of the population being part of the largest genetic experiment ever conducted.


“Stanford professor Dr. Jay Bhattacharya on Friday talked to FOX News host Lawrence Jones about holding public health authorities accountable for failed COVID policies they advocated for.

  1. JAY BHATTACHARYA: What I'm really concerned about, Lawrence, is to make sure that we never do this again because as things currently stand our template is to lock down again. Next time there is a virus going around we will absolutely lock down again. People like Rochelle Walensky, Tony Fauci, they're giving themselves awards.

    Rochelle Walensky, those clips you played of her are absolutely shocking. They were not reflecting what the science was saying at the time. And she worked with [President of the American Federation of Teachers] Randi Weingarten to close schools very early in her tenure as CDC director. Our kids, minority kids, poor kids are going to pay the price for those school closures for a long time to come.

    I think what we need to do is as a nation decide we will never do this again and limit the power of public health authorities to act unilaterally about what they did to copy the Chinese government in its lockdown policies.

    LAWRENCE JONES, FOX NEWS: It is so true, professor. I guess the big question is, how do we rearrange this agency? It seems like they were getting a lot of their guidance from the World Health Organization. And they got it wrong as well, intentionally. So what do we need to do to restore confidence? Do we need an entire new agency? Does Congress need more oversight? Or do we just need an independent group that we can rely on?

    BHATTACHARYA: I mean, when the space shuttle Challenger blew up in 1986 I think it was there was a detailed, honest investigation by outside scientists, commissioned by Congress. And if you remember, there is that O-ring that turned out to be the cause of the explosion that Richard Feynman found. That led to tremendous reforms within NASA which led to a much better agency.

    I think we need something very similar with the CDC. The CDC failed in almost every aspect of this pandemic. The one job they had to protect American citizens from a deadly pandemic like this and not make things worse, they failed at. And we have to take that seriously. But did they fail to do the science right, interpreting the science? And their recommendations, their guidance were not supposed to have the force of law but often did have the force of law. We need to take steps to make sure that this never happens again, and that starts with an apology I think from public health leaders.

    An honest bipartisan commission to actually address what went wrong, and then deep reforms inside of the CDC so this never, ever happens again.”


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