Prison Planet Earth By Brian Simpson


Prison planet: this is a theme which most of us bloggers at this site, especially our American correspondences, Chris and Charles, who appear to be suffering intensely, and Richard in London, right in the thick of Covid-insanity and knife crimes … that old freedoms have literally vaporised and we are effectively in a prison. But, with lockdowns, most people in most jurisdictions, have less freedom than killers in solitary confinement, who at least get time outside for exercise. And, they don’t get trampled unconscious by police horses. Dr Mercola would seem to agree:

“As predicted last year, vaccine passports are being rolled out across the world, including the U.S. As reported by Ron Paul in his Liberty Report, which streamed live March 29, 2021, the Biden Administration is “seriously looking into establishing some kind of federal vaccine passport system, where Americans who cannot (or will not) prove to the government they have been jabbed with the experimental vaccine will be legally treated as second-class citizens.”

Paul warns that this system “will quickly morph into a copy of China’s ‘social credit’ system, where undesirable behaviors are severely punished.” I’ve been saying the same thing for many months now, and there’s every reason to suspect that this is indeed where we’re headed.

Indeed, listen to Ilana Rachel Daniel’s emotional plea from Jerusalem, Israel, where a “Green Pass” is now required if you want to enter any number of public venues and participate in society. Daniel, who emigrated from the U.S. to Israel 25 years ago, is a health adviser, activist and information officer for a new political human rights party called Rappeh.

The COVID-19 data simply don’t support the rollout of this kind of draconian measure, as the virus is clearly in decline and has become endemic in most parts of the world. In the absence of a serious, truly massively lethal threat (which COVID-19 isn’t), having to show vaccine papers in order to travel and enter certain social venues is clearly more about imposing top-down government control than actually safeguarding public health.

We’re Looking at the End of Human Liberty in the West

Mandatory vaccine passports will be massively discriminating, and are quite frankly senseless, considering the so-called COVID-19 “vaccines” don’t work like vaccines. They’re designed to lessen symptoms when the inoculated person gets infected, but they do not actually prevent them from getting infected in the first place, and they don’t prevent the spread of the virus.

As such, vaccine passports are nothing but loyalty cards, proving you’ve submitted to being a lab rat for an experimental injection and nothing more, because in reality, vaccinated individuals are no safer than unvaccinated ones. It’s a truly mindboggling ruse, and unless enough people are able to see it for what it is, the world will rather literally be turned into a prison planet.

In Israel … we’re hearing from activists that it’s a two-tiered society and that basically, activists are ostracized and surveilled continually. It is the end of civil society, and they are trying to roll it out around the world. ~ Naomi Wolf

As noted by former Clinton adviser and author Naomi Wolf (whom I hope to interview in the near future), mandatory COVID-19 passports would spell the “end of human liberty in the West.” In a March 28, 2021, interview with Fox News’ Steve Hilton, she said:

“‘Vaccine passport’ sounds like a fine thing if you don’t understand what those platforms can do. I’m [the] CEO of a tech company, I understand what these platforms can do. It is not about the vaccine, it’s not about the virus, it’s about your data.

Once this rolls out, you don’t have a choice about being part of the system. What people have to understand is that any other functionality can be loaded onto that platform with no problem at all. It can be merged with your Paypal account, with your digital currency. Microsoft is already talking about merging it with payment plans.

Your network can be sucked up. It geolocates you everywhere you go. You credit history can be included. All of your medical and health history can be included.

This has already happened in Israel, and six months later, we’re hearing from activists that it’s a two-tiered society and that basically, activists are ostracized and surveilled continually. It is the end of civil society, and they are trying to roll it out around the world.

It is absolutely so much more than a vaccine pass … I cannot stress enough that it has the power to turn off your life, or to turn on your life, to let you engage in society or be marginalized.”

Largest Medical Experiment in the History of the World

As noted by Donald Rucker, who led the Trump Administration’s health IT office, the individual tracking that goes along with the vaccine passport will also help officials to evaluate the effectiveness and long-term safety of the vaccines. He told The Washington Post:

“The tracking of vaccinations is not just simply for vaccine passports. The tracking of vaccinations is a broader issue of ‘we’re giving a novel biologic agent to the entire country,’ more or less.”

In other words, health officials know full well that this mass vaccination campaign is a roll of the dice. It’s the largest medical experiment in the history of the world, and vaccine certificates will allow them to track all of the millions of test subjects. This alone should be cause enough to end all discussions about vaccine mandates, yet the experimental nature of these injections is being completely ignored.

Again, by shaming people who have concerns about participating in a medical experiment and threatening to bar them from society, government officials are proving that this is not for the greater good. It’s not about public health. It’s about creating loyal subjects — people who are literally willing to sacrifice their life and the life of their children at the request of the government, no questions asked.

Vaccinations Are the New ‘Purity Test’

Wolf also points out the horrific history of IBM, which developed a similar but less sophisticated system of punch cards that allowed Nazi Germany to create a two-tier society and ultimately facilitated the rounding up of Jews for extermination. I will be publishing an entire article about this in a couple of days.

Suffice it to say, some of the most gruesome parts of history are now repeating right before our eyes, and we must not turn away from this ugly truth. Doing so may turn out to be far more lethal than COVID-19 ever was.”

Mike Adams has an apocalyptic take on all of this:

Globalists have a forked-tongue plan to exterminate humanity: Many who take the vaccine will simply die from the engineered hyperinflammatory reactions that are likely to hit hard in the Fall, while those who refuse to take the vaccine will be hunted down, rounded up and thrown in covid concentration camps for efficient extermination.

This plan will be resisted in conservatives states like Florida and Texas, but this is precisely the plan being rolled out in genocidal “blue” states like New York and California. Many other genocidal regions in other nations are also participating in this mass extermination experiment, such as the state of Victoria, Australia.

In New York, the criminal-minded Governor Cuomo is pushing vaccine passports to coerce the population into taking the engineered “death shots” which are already resulting in tens of thousands of deaths worldwide. All such deaths are called “coincidences,” of course, because the medical establishment lies about the cause of death to achieve their desired goals of medical tyranny. In 2020, when a person died months after tested “positive” for covid, that death was called a “covid death.” But in 2021, when a person dies five minutes after taking a covid vaccine, that death is called a “coincidence.”

All this doesn’t mean the anti-human globalist demons will succeed, however. There is also growing resistance against vaccine passports, with many people (including political leaders like Ron Paul) claiming such as idea may be the “final straw” or “tipping point” needed for humanity to finally rise up and end the medical tyranny now being unleashed against them by terroristic governments worldwide.

That’s why other global depopulation plans are also being pursued as rapidly as possible, including:

  • Fake president Joe Biden trying to start World War III with Russia via Ukraine.
  • Anti-human demon globalist Bill Gates trying to block the sun and collapse the global food supply to unleash mass famine.
  • The rapid deployment of 5G electromagnetic weapon systems in cities around the world, with telecommunications capabilities serving as the cover story.
  • The mass poisoning of the food supply with pesticides, herbicides and heavy metals.
  • Economic assaults on humanity via covid lockdowns, crushing small businesses and local employment opportunities.

The globalists are no longer even pretending to be working to save humanity

The “denial” phase of the globalist agenda is now over, and anti-human globalists are rolling out concentration camps, vaccine passports, FBI terrorism and weaponization of the government against human civilization on all fronts. The new Biden “infrastructure” bill even earmarks $20 billion to tear down roads and highways that are deemed “racist.” The total destruction of human civilization is now under way.

This does not mean they will succeed, and there are many things people can do to defeat this intense evil and restore human liberty and dignity.”


For the moment, WHO is rejecting the Covid passports, because for one thing, they are not certain that the vaccine even prevents teransmission! Now, that’s a confession for you!


“The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) on Tuesday said it rejects coronavirus vaccine passports for travel “at this stage” because of doubts over the efficacy of the injections as well as equity concerns.

“We as W.H.O. are saying at this stage we would not like to see the vaccination passport as a requirement for entry or exit because we are not certain at this stage that the vaccine prevents transmission,” W.H.O. spokeswoman Margaret Harris told a news conference in Geneva, Reuters reports.

“There are all those other questions, apart from the question of discrimination against the people who are not able to have the vaccine for one reason or another,” Harris added, echoing an argument already gaining momentum in the U.S. and beyond.

The W.H.O. previously rejected coronavirus passports as recently as last month, with Breitbart News reporting then it would be unfair to nations with limited vaccination capabilities.

“Vaccination is just not available enough around the world and is not available certainly on an equitable basis,” Dr. Michael Ryan, director of the W.H.O. Health Emergencies Program, said at a press briefing on March 8.

Ryan said the W.H.O., the United Nations’ (U.N.) official health body, advises against the use of coronavirus vaccine passports while there are still “real practical and ethical considerations” surrounding their implementation.

The issue of coronavirus passports has sparked heated globally but especially in the UK where Prime Minister Boris Johnson has hinted at their introduction over the past few weeks.

The British government is understood to want Britons to have the option of displaying either their vaccination status or test results, ensuring those who cannot be vaccinated for health reasons are not penalised.

Johnson addressed the subject directly last month, saying: “There are deep and complex issues that we need to explore, and ethical issues about what the role is for government in mandating or for people to have such a thing or indeed in banning people doing such a thing.

The W.H.O. previously rejected coronavirus passports as recently as last month, with Breitbart News reporting then it would be unfair to nations with limited vaccination capabilities.

“Vaccination is just not available enough around the world and is not available certainly on an equitable basis,” Dr. Michael Ryan, director of the W.H.O. Health Emergencies Program, said at a press briefing on March 8.

Ryan said the W.H.O., the United Nations’ (U.N.) official health body, advises against the use of coronavirus vaccine passports while there are still “real practical and ethical considerations” surrounding their implementation.

The issue of coronavirus passports has sparked heated globally but especially in the UK where Prime Minister Boris Johnson has hinted at their introduction over the past few weeks.

The British government is understood to want Britons to have the option of displaying either their vaccination status or test results, ensuring those who cannot be vaccinated for health reasons are not penalised.

Johnson addressed the subject directly last month, saying: “There are deep and complex issues that we need to explore, and ethical issues about what the role is for government in mandating or for people to have such a thing or indeed in banning people doing such a thing.”

So, as noted below, the anti-racism mania might work against this, as illegals and criminals will not want a vaccine passport, and will probably forge one anyway!


The vaccine passport will be the West’s version of China’s social credit system, enabling total social control, keeping most of the population under a permanent state of lockdown. It is not longer the rule of law, but rule of fear.



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