Prison Planet Cometh: George Christensen, By James Reed

Unfortunately, a very good article by George Christensen on the merging globalist culture of censorship is behind a paywall, so we can't quote extracts, but can state the general position. Free speech was once regarded as a key value of the Enlightenment, one of the foundation philosophical principles of the West. For without the freedom to dissent, progress is stifled. But this idea has been under attack in one shape or other at least since the 1960s, with what was once a Fabian process of gradual erosion, now becoming a full-on attack.

The UK censorship and clamp down on immigration criticism is the most recent example, but central to the government strategy is control of social media, with particular attention to Elon Musk's X. However, there is much more, such as the UN's goal of global censorship through its Global Principles for Information Integrity. This aims to control "misinformation, disinformation, and hate speech." How will this be done? By the methods we have already seen used, such as shadow banning and algorithm manipulation so that the content the globalist elites do not like does not surface. As has been already done to many individual freedom movement people, such as the Canadian truckers, there is demonetisation, banning from banking and financial services, as happened to Dr Mercola. And then here is re-education for the masses, as the Democrats plan with the Trump MAGA movement when the 2024 election is stolen.

All of this could be overwhelming, but Mr Christensen urges people to keep up the fight, to organise, and most importantly, to speak up now while one still can. That we will continue to do.



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