Prison Now for Vaccination Sceptics By Mrs Vera West

     Slowly, bit by bit, freedoms are eroded in the New World Order, because good people do not fight hard enough, if they fight at all.

     Australian medical professionals now face 10 years in gaol for expressing doubts about vaccine effectiveness and/or safety:;  And, the Australian government wants people to report any such vaccine sceptics to the authorities, so that they can be locked away in a steel cage.

     In Victoria, on a side note, children will be able to see a doctor at least once a week to obtain Big Pharma drugs, without parental consent. See this article for some surprising corporate connections:

     This gives the game away. If the anti-vaxxers are so wrong, then they should be easily refuted by cold hard logic. After all, there is no law against proclaiming that the Earth is hollow, or that the moon is made of green cheese. There are good arguments against the proposition that the moon is made of green cheese, and no reason to ban those proclaiming it. It is only controversial political doctrines which are protected by thought control laws because the establishment has something to hide.

     Expect that the next development will be banning all criticisms of vaccines and Big Pharma, with gaol sentences for anyone saying anything. So, let’s say what we can now before THEY shut down free speech. Here is a good site to get an alternative point of view:



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Sunday, 19 May 2024

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