Potential Cyber Pandemic By Chris Knight (Florida)

Thoughtful people are now speculating about the “next big thing” that the globalists will unleash to bring in, finally, the Newest New World Order. They already have social control over the masses that the slave owners of the past could only have dreamt off, but they, being criminal psychopaths, which is probably offensive to criminal psychopaths, will never stop, until they are stopped, by God and/or Natural forces. Assuming that they are human in some form, and not fully demon, they are finite powered beings and can come unstuck. It is an arguable theological point whether demons can be defeated by unaided human resistance, but God will surely intervene at some point? That does not mean that the good guys, us, necessarily win on this Earth, but at least the bad guys get to go down too. It’s something.

Yeah, the next big thing could be a global cyber-attack. It might sound good for the globalist Great Reset, but it could take them down too by the principle of over-extension. Hopefully.


“The World Economic Forum (WEF) will stage a ‘cyber attack exercise’ to prepare for a “potential cyber pandemic”, that founder Klaus Schwab says will be worse than the current crisis.

Will ‘Cyber Polygon 2021’ be as prophetic as ‘Event 201’ in simulating a pandemic response?

Digitalisation is accelerating everywhere. New digital ecosystems are forming all around us, creating unnoticed linkages across services and supply chains.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) will stage a ‘cyber attack exercise’ in July, it has been revealed, as the group prepares for what it describes as ‘the potential for a cyber pandemic’.

This simulated exercise will take place at the WEF’s annual ‘Cyber Polygon’ digital event.

Cyber Polygon combines the world’s largest technical training for corporate teams and an online conference featuring senior officials from international organisations and leading corporations.

Every year, the training brings together a wide range of global businesses and government structures, while the live stream gathers millions of spectators from across the world.

This year, the event is taking a bit of more serious tone, given uncertainties in the world.

Cyber Polygon 2021 will simulate a fictional cyber attack with participants from dozens of countries responding to a targeted supply chain attack on a corporate ecosystem in real time.

Look at the name of that video. ‘A cyber attack with COVID-characteristics’. That should tell you everything you need to know about the scale they are looking at here.

According to the WEF, COVID-19 was known as an ‘anticipated risk’, and so is its digital equivalent.

A cyber attack with COVID-like characteristics would spread faster and farther than any biological virus. Its reproductive rate would be around 10 times greater than what we’ve experienced with the coronavirus.” — Klaus Schwab

What’s more: “It is important to use the COVID-19 crisis as a timely opportunity to reflect on the lessons of cybersecurity community to draw and improve our unpreparedness for a potential cyber pandemic”

The event will instruct participants in “developing secure ecosystems” by simulating a supply-chain cyberattack similar to the recent SolarWinds hack. This would be used to ‘assess the cyber resilience’ of participants.

The usual suspects are back again with their ‘simulated’ conferences.

What could this type of move mean, given their track record of ‘predicting’ world events?

No doubt a disruption to digital systems could cause problems for the greater world.


We will have to wait until the forum begins to understand exactly what context this cyber attack is based on, or what the ‘anticipated’ results could potentially be, but we can make some assumptions.

Of course, we have spoken of food systems breaking down due to COVID-19 restrictions (see Rockefeller’s Future Reset Forum) and also concepts contained in the (delayedGreat Reset forum.

However, it seems while these are specific systems that may be encompassed in a massive cyber attack of ecosystems — food and economy — this forum will tackle the larger issue of a digital world.

This will follow on from the 2020 Summit, in which they made the case for why having digital identities was actually necessary to prevent a cyber pandemic.

Problem, reaction, solution. Another textbook play.

Here’s the thing: The ‘reaction’ part usually involves something actually happening. Think 9/11, coronavirus and more. Digital identities are the aftermath.

This year’s forum will discuss the cyber attack itself, which is the problem that will arise.

So, if this is the case, what could this type of problem look like in an inter-connected, digital world?

In 2015, one of the “fathers of the Internet”, Vint Cerf, caused a stir when he expressed concern that today’s digital world might be lost forever.

If technology continues to outpace preservation or security tactics, the present could be disrupted and future citizens could be locked out of a digital world – plunged into a “digital dark age”.

“I worry a great deal about that,” Cerf, currently the chief internet evangelist at Google — or The Ministry of Alphabet — told the BBC.

There is no guarantee that the next century’s computers (if computers exist at all) will support today’s hardware and software. Further, that technologies won’t suddenly be subjected to misuse or massive vulnerabilities. We already see hacking and systems failing on small scales all the time.

For the man who ‘turned the internet on’, this threat is troubling.

Could this be the type of scale the WEF is referencing?

As the world continues to become more digital and everything continues to move online, from land ownership registers to banking and more, physical representations continue to vanish.

Who is not to say this was all designed this way to ensure history can’t be discovered in the future?

All whilst plummeting the present world into a life similar to those described in ‘dark age’ periods.

A cyber attack that disrupts world systems could definitely cause something like that.

Either way, the fact the WEF are now focusing on this important subject should raise red flags, given their track record of ‘simulating’ events that come to fruition shortly afterwards.


On October 18, 2019, the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, which was described on the group’s website as “a high-level pandemic exercise”.

The ‘exercise’ illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences:

“Experts agree that it is only a matter of time before one of these epidemics becomes global — a pandemic with potentially catastrophic consequences.

A severe pandemic, which becomes ‘Event 201’, would require reliable cooperation among several industries, national governments, and key international institutions.”

The group claims they did not ‘predict’ the coronavirus, despite modelling their pandemic under the same name. However, when examining their documents, striking similarities begin to emerge:

“Event 201 simulated an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic.

The pathogen was modelled largely on SARS, but it is more transmissible in the community setting by people with mild symptoms.

There is no possibility of a vaccine being available in the first year.”

Let’s think: The ‘real’ coronavirus started over a bat in a meat market, transmitted to humans and shows mild symptoms. The vaccine was also 12 months away from being developed.

This was Event 201. Now look at the world.”

Clearly, the answer is to assume some sort of internet crash. So, go old school survivalism, keep cash, but most importantly vast supplies of the physical things you need, food, water, toilet paper by the truck load and so on. Covid has shown us that prepping is now a necessity.



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