Pope Francis: Destroyer of Christianity By Peter West

    I have been making this claim, with some controversy here over the years, that Pope Francis hates the West, is a commo Pope, and wants to see the West go down.  A discussion of just these points has appeared now in the mainstream press: Tess Livingstone, “Pro-Migrant Pope ‘Aspires to Destroy Christianity’”, The Australian, July 19, 2017, p. 12; http://www.theaustralian.com.au/opinion/promigrant-pope-francis-aspires-to-destroy-christianity/news-story/76be2aee290dacbaa9417aa8af5abb63.

     The remarks primarily are concerned with retired Pope Benedict XVI, who recently compared the church under Pope Francis to a ship that “has taken on so much water as to be on the verge of capsizing.”  As far as criticisms go, that one is strong.
Pope Francis has called on the European nations to abandon their borders, and adopt a federal structure. He is a proponent of open borders immigration for the West, but is silent about immigration to non-white countries, because, well, he is a New World Order kinda guy.

     The Tess Livingstone article has some interesting material about Marcello Pera’ criticism of the Pope:

“One prominent figure who is unsurprised by such outbursts is Marcello Pera, a former president of the Italian Senate who co-authored a significant book, Without Roots: The West, Relativism, Christianity, Islam with Benedict in 2007. “The Pope reflects all the prejudices of the South American regarding North America, markets, freedom, capitalism,’’ he told Il Mattino newspaper in Naples.
Pera’s main concern is Francis’s politicisation of the church, especially his support for illegal immigration, a stance that is alienating much of his flock, including those who support generous but orderly immigration policies such as Australia’s. “Bergoglio just wants to do politics, the Gospel doesn’t matter at all,’’ Pera says, addressing Francis by his surname. Concern is strongest in Italy, the destination of Nigerians, Gambians, Sudanese and others drawn by human traffickers’ promises of a warm welcome and plenty of welfare assistance.
Italy is struggling to cope with hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants who have sailed across the Mediterranean in recent years; double-digit unemployment; youth unemployment of 40 per cent; and street crime.  Another 25,000 newcomers arrived last month, mainly from Nigeria and Guinea. The total number this year will exceed the 170,000 people, predominantly Muslim males, who arrived last year.  Some communities are in revolt over the cost of housing them and the criminal behaviour of some of the men towards women. Rome mayor Virginia Raggi recently called on the government not to send any more migrants to the city.
Despite community anger Francis has remained defiant, urging young people to be “protagonists of change” in backing mass migration without defined limitations. His attitude has prompted pertinent questions about the kind of religious and cultural melting pot he wants Europe to be.
Pera says: “It’s evident to all that an indiscriminate welcoming is not possible: there is a critical point that cannot be reached. If the Pope does not make reference to this critical point, if he insists in a massive and total welcoming, I ask myself: ‘why does he say it? What is the true end of his words? Why does he lack a minimum of realism, that very little that is requested of anyone?’ The answer I can give myself is only one: ‘the Pope does it because he hates the West, he aspires to destroy it, and he does all he can to reach this end. As he aspires to destroy the Christian tradition, Christianity as it has realised itself historically.’ ”

     Strong and extraordinary words from a papal co-author.  Pera fears a brutal kickback, through some form of alliance between European nationalists from both right and left with conservative Catholics, who realise increasingly that Francis is "out of synch with much of his flock.”
    I agree with this and have often argued that the Catholic Church has imploded and that one cannot be a Catholic anymore, as much as it pains this former, cradle Catholic to say this. These are most dreadful times, and I hope that this will all end, one way or another.



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