Partying Like There is No Future, As There May Not Be! By James Reed

       USA Today reports that Millennials, and Gen Z are spending heir savings and partying hard:

They quote Jamal Jordan, an author and Washington Post editor, Xed: "Am I the only one who feels like everyone is spiralling? All of my friends worked hard their whole lives just for layoffs be a normal part of their professional lives, no one can afford to save money, everyone's partying a lot seemingly embracing an ethos of chaos."

I think that they may have put their finger on the real issue, that the wealth that should have been passed down to these generations has been burnt up by the Baby Boomers who are now gearing up for pensions. They had the cream of the system, produced all the destructive ideologies of Leftism we now battle against, and seek to enjoy their final years in comfort. But these comforts have now been denied to the new generations who will struggle to even get homes of their own. Just wait until these generations get into power! 



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Thursday, 24 October 2024

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